We discussed this before, early on I thought GME was a miss,
@Kenny West pulled my coat, I read up on it, sold some amc during the runup and bought in. Plenty of people ran up a bag on AMC but very few sold because the consensus was there's more to come.. You been here the whole time, you know this.
I believe there are about a dozen tickers that can squeeze. There are maybe 2 others that come close to these 2, I stopped paying attention though so I couldn't name them If asked. They've stacked the rules so much to prevent this happening again that they acknowledge the game was fukked. Folks have had to answer for the button being stolen, Robinhood has already lost a judgment.
At worst this will be a managed event Because there are too many legit players invested so they have to save face some how. At best they will let it run and pause and or suspend the stock at a certain threshold. The market is already primed for catastrophic failure.
All the blue chips are already down at least 20%. Due diligence says another 20% and ifs curtains.
This is based on a senator (Toomey I believe) buying 50k puts back in December. Some of those, 50B worth were dumped when these 2 went on a 10% run week before last. Entire market was down 13% these two were up 10 and better. Michael Blurry has closed 95% of his position for this coming crash.
Trust me! I hate this shyt. Everyday I look for reasons to sell I wish I could be done But I just haven't found anything that even gives me doubts. The worse finding I know of is that they can suspend the stock. I'm not trying to see if this will go to 500k per, I'm a hustler. If I cashed out tomorrow I have enough to work with to invest in something tangible to cake up.