Can you provide any examples of this bearish information that you speak of? The reason that the argument has shifted to fundamentals is because naysayers ignored th e amount of naked shares. "How can a shytty company squeeze? " well not only are there a catastrophic # of synthetics but AMC is shaping up to have nice self sustaining profit margins.The AMC pumpers talk out of both sides of their mouth. They say the squeeze is inevitable & even imminent and then that its a lottery ticket & to proceed with caution. They said the shorts have to cover & follow-up with how heavily manipulated the stock is & how hedgies can keep kicking the can down the road. They say the MOASS will defy market mechanics & then turn it into a fundamentals play. Anything published that is bearish on AMC is a hit piece & FUD while clickbaity stuff posted by Youtubers or random twitter accounts is legitimate DD.
I get that there are two sides to every story, and they may not always be necessarily wrong, but I'll be damned if they aint super slick & manipulative with their talking points.
As far as this being a big day, it might be due to the new rule announced over the weekend published today. .
As always I've stepped up to the challenge to be proven wrong. I've stopped posting info mostly because people were attacking me and not the info provided.
Personally I believe a squeeze is unavoidable. I encourage anyone who feels differently. To post information to prove that it won't happen.
I have 407 pages of this thread 50 posts per page. Not a single person has taken up the task of proving that it's impossible. The argument used to be shytty fundamentals what keep it from squeezing. Now that fundamentals have returned "the believers are shifting the narrative."
I'm still hanging in there... still watching my profits shrink daily, still waiting for someone to prove otherwise. Still willing to go down with this ship.