I mean, only buy what you can afford to lose is the general premise of trading, not this thread.
The premise of this thread was how many lambos & high end escorts are we going to splurge on when this things pops. That was 6 months ago when the price per share was actually decent.
And dude was telling people to average down. That's easy to say from an introspective / paper trading perspective but not necessarily in the real world. I'm telling him we thought we already did. So I'm not sure what your point is.
And you say "Nobody should really be mad, unless they didn't take large profits" - the whole philosophy of this thing has been to HOLD until MOASS. Not to take profits. In fact dudes were hitting people with the

when they were talking about cashing out in the $50s/$60s/$70s. This whole thread is some sort of sick joke.