The Amazing Spider-Man 2


Grad School is killing me:damn:
Jul 29, 2012

A couple sites are running stories of their reactions to a screening event Sony held for writers on Monday and yesterday. I'm not going to post them all here especially since I haven't read the ones with the spoilers but the general consensus seems to be that from what they saw, it looks dope and Spidey is actually funny and quips during fights :blessed: I will quote this from ScreenRant though:

That trailer plus @MartyMcFly post got me

Im in full Stan mode, Im already counting down to May:blessed:.


May 28, 2012
New York
This shyt looks epic :banderas:

I guess I gotta give Avengers credit...they pushed comic movies to have to go to some next level shyt.


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
:patrice: i dont know but i cant get excited for this movie one bit... i like spidey WAY more than cap but i want to see winter soldier WAY more... rhynos a bum anyways but they got mecharhyno, i just cant get into jamie as elektro, this better be GREEN goblin & not them fukkin up HOBgoblin again... ima see it no doubt but i have no anticipation at all.....
'Venom’ Spin-Offs...Venom films, considering the movies will primarily feature villains as protagonists. Will they be bad guys-turned-good guys (sort of) in the film, a la the Marvel comic book Thunderbolts.... As with many things from The Amazing Spider-Man films, this seems to be co-opted more from the Ultimate Spider-Man comic book series than the 616 Marvel Universe Spider-Man..... Orci all but explicitly references Venom by talking about the “alien from space,” which was the 616 (and Raimi Spider-Man 3) origin story for Venom. He also seemingly implies that the Venom of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise will instead be created using “human-hybrid, weird stuff at Oscorp.” It’s unclear precisely what that means, but it certainly sounds more like Ultimate Venom, which was a science experiment – an attempt to cure cancer – gone wrong. In fact, Ultimate Carnage was created by Curt Connors (The Lizard) from a combination of the Venom symbiote, his own DNA, and Peter Parker’s DNA. Could this (or something along these lines) be the impetus for the new version of Venom?Do you like the idea of the Sinister Six or Venom as anti-heroes?

:snoop: venom the lethal protector, as an anti-hero??? thats what he always was before the flash reboot... they wanna keep goin ultimate & now possible thunerbolts??? i hated those versions of venom (especially scorpion venom) so ima miss out on enjoyin my favorite spidey nemesis... i cant understand how i like the spidey books so much but dont wanna see none of these movies...
just for the record the sinister six are all bums outside doc... they accomplish more solo than they ever do together... you can fight spidey solo but then you get more dudes that can fight spidey solo & he beats you all at once repetedly....


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
:patrice: i dont know but i cant get excited for this movie one bit... i like spidey WAY more than cap but i want to see winter soldier WAY more... rhynos a bum anyways but they got mecharhyno, i just cant get into jamie as elektro, this better be GREEN goblin & not them fukkin up HOBgoblin again... ima see it no doubt but i have no anticipation at all.....

:snoop: venom the lethal protector, as an anti-hero??? thats what he always was before the flash reboot... they wanna keep goin ultimate & now possible thunerbolts??? i hated those versions of venom (especially scorpion venom) so ima miss out on enjoyin my favorite spidey nemesis... i cant understand how i like the spidey books so much but dont wanna see none of these movies...
just for the record the sinister six are all bums outside doc... they accomplish more solo than they ever do together... you can fight spidey solo but then you get more dudes that can fight spidey solo & he beats you all at once repetedly....

:dahell: when has hobgoblin been in a spider man movie breh? and you do realize what you quoted is a journalist tossing theories around not something straight from the creative types right? All they've said about Venom is that outside of Spider Man, he's always been an anti-hero but they haven't said which direction they're going with him one way or another so :whoa: and let them cook a little and take the wait and see approach


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
:dahell: when has hobgoblin been in a spider man movie breh? and you do realize what you quoted is a journalist tossing theories around not something straight from the creative types right? All they've said about Venom is that outside of Spider Man, he's always been an anti-hero but they haven't said which direction they're going with him one way or another so :whoa: and let them cook a little and take the wait and see approach
the harry osborne goblin was in media here labeled as the hobgoblin, i was hype til i seen him like :dwillhuh: so far now i just see "Goblin" so im scared..

as far as venom... i was sayin whoever wrote the article made it seem like venom bein a anti-hero would be shocking for some reason & i dont want them to go another way with him..... hes fine this way he is & they dont need to m night him... after what they did to my dude last time i have no faith but youre right, that remains to be seen....

i wanted a venom movie for so long, but not like this :ohlawd: not like this.....


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
the harry osborne goblin was in media here labeled as the hobgoblin, i was hype til i seen him like :dwillhuh: so far now i just see "Goblin" so im scared..

as far as venom... i was sayin whoever wrote the article made it seem like venom bein a anti-hero would be shocking for some reason & i dont want them to go another way with him..... hes fine this way he is & they dont need to m night him... after what they did to my dude last time i have no faith but youre right, that remains to be seen....

i wanted a venom movie for so long, but not like this :ohlawd: not like this.....

Word? Well in the states he was labeled as "new goblin" not hobgoblin so officially, there hasn't been a hobgoblin in film yet and I'd love to see it. And yeah a lot of people who write articles aren't up on their comic book history they just write from a place of ignorance. it happens :yeshrug:. The guys writing and directing the venom movie have always said that if you're going to do Venom, you have to do him right

So let's start with the team-up of six Spidey villains. In an interview with IGN, Orci addressed whether the titular team will be outright villainous or more anti-heroic. "That's the discussion we're having right now; how exactly do you do that, and how do you do it without betraying the audience and making them all mean," Orci explained. "Drew Goddard [The Cabin in the Woods] is going to be writing that one, so it's kind of his problem. [Laughs] I'm kidding. We're all working on each other's stuff. So we want to be true to it, but there are some antiheroes in this day and age. There's been examples of that even on TV -- Vic Mackey on The Shield, one of the great antiheroes of all time. There are ways to milk that story. Audiences have seen everything. They've seen all the good guys who never do anything wrong. Is there a story in seeing the other side? That's the challenge, and that's the fun. I'm not sure how we're going to do that yet."

As for Venom, Orci shared his belief that, after more than a decade of ubiquitous superhero movies, audiences are ready for a figure like Eddie Brock, the host to the symbiotic black costume that causes Peter Parker so much grief. "I think they're ready to have things shaken up," the writer and producer said. "I think we've all seen everything. You've seen everything. You can probably predict the ending of most things even better than a general audience, but a general audience is still pretty good at it. They can see it all coming. So we have to shake it up. You can't just keep telling the same stories every day."

Orci would only share when asked about a certain Spider-Man nemesis that, "We're fans of Venom." Kurtzman added, "Venom is an amazing character. Venom is a brilliant character. Part of what's interesting about Venom is that Venom can do all of the things that Spider-Man can't do, in a lot of ways. And I don't know, I guess that's why I respond to him."

Now personally, I'm not a huge Venom fan but If I was, I'd just sit back and see what happens. Plus they got Drew Goddard (Cabin in the Woods) helping to write it and he's writing and directing the sinister 6 movie so I feel like that's a good look


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I've never been a fan of Venom. I just hope they find someone to portray him well enough. You can tell by reading that Sony probably wants him to be their a Wolverine soooooooo bad

Yeah he or Carnage but if I had to pick it's definitely Venom that I'd rather see a movie of. Carnage has the POTENTIAL to be a dope dope villain but they write him so dumb