Red Shield
Global Domination
Just look at the Donor list for the Museum
pretty much.
don't know what yall were expecting with this shyt
Just look at the Donor list for the Museum
Are you F*CKING Kidding me? A White Director, A White Writer, Produced by White People, Interracial Relationship as the "FIRST" movie in a Mesuem we've been waiting for over 100 years. I saw the trailer and it's basically a "White Savior" movie showing this "Strong" White Man standing up for his Black Love. Give me a break. Also let's see all the "Keyboard Cinematic Historians" Rip this films HIstorical inaccuracies apart. The Agenda is real folks, when "Birth of a Nation" CLEARLY is the perfect movie to debut. Sh!t they could of played "Malcolm X" to celebrate it's 25th Anniversary and it would been a better choice that that. You can have Nat Turner's bible on display but you can't show his movie? I'm done.
Bu bu bu its true love
He took care of her
Think of all the excuses these feminists will say when they even dare talk about this pedophiliac/abusive relationship.
The agenda is real y'all. No way these feminist will demonize a white man for naturally being a pedo and a wife beater but will come after a innocent black man so they could get a job at these white publications. Look how they romatacize this relationship but shyt on everything Nate Parker stands for.
Mademnoire, blavity, bossip, Ebony, essence, black twitter, tumblr, etc will all be gleefully writing articles talking about how innocent this relationship was and will never demonize white daddy. I bet they will even throw some shots at Nate Parker too.
The real life husband was a alcoholic, lazy, wife beating piece of shyt. Not to mention a pedo. Yet this movie starring two non Americans about the dysfunctional marriage of a drunk and a wench hasn't had a peep of protests?
These "feminists" should be ashamed of themselves with their agenda. Remove the black man at all costs
A lot of the same people who been participating in smearing BOAN & Nate Parker, been promoting this movie heavy for a couple of months:
I read somewhere that Mildred Loving considered herself full bloooded Native American and didn't deal with black people.