Her words, not mine
Now compare that to the George Lucas quote that @Soymuscle Mike shared just earlier:
You can tell George Lucas’s third eye opened up when he said this.
Yeah, he made mistakes here and there, but you can see that he was still operating on a totally different level morally, spiritually, and philosophically compared to modern day creators.
Side note: who remembers that time he called Disney a bunch of “white slavers”?
"...doesn't even give her the agency"
And the phrasing Lucas uses in that interview circles back to an exchange I had with @Ed MOTHERfukkING G over a year ago, re: the nature of Disney -
Disney already told you what it is with a key line:
Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. It's the only way to become who you were meant to be.
Read that several times and truly absorb what that's about. Disney is openly telling you that whatever came before doesn't matter, whatever you loved about Star Wars doesn't matter, they will burn everything you knew to ashes - Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, Boba Fett, Obi Wan, ALL belittled and/or killed off in the most laughably clumsy ways imaginable - just so Disney can have a clear field to use the IP to build from scratch to propagandize people their way. The best way to do that? Don't honour nor cherish what came before, don't even respect it. Kill it so we can substitute ourselves as the authority.
They had to take a hard detour with the shift to streaming and COVID, and very much due to the backlash they've gotten with that goofy sequel trilogy, but make no mistake: their game is still their game.
The one glaring exception is Andor, and that's because Disney wasn't paying attention. Gilroy had a clear field and decided to make a masterpiece when nobody was looking.