That smark crowd's reaction to RAW main event was the reason Vince don't give fans what they want

El Poyo Loco

Akrassikauda = Black Scorpion
Jul 24, 2015
The 5 Boroughs
"They" are fans who paid for their they can, will and SHOULD chant what ever they whomever they want...Smarks, Marks, Starks , fans brehs..just fans, that all.

Here's the flip side to that, which is part of the old promoters thinking which Vince is.

If you hate Reigns but buy a ticket to RAW and Reigns is the top guy he's going to get the credit for the ticket not the flavor of the month former indy guy.

By paying for the ticket you've empowered Vince even more showing up to hijack the show defeats the purpose, you've already paid for the ticket(s), concessions etc. You've voted with your wallet you voted for Vince to keep doing what he's doing.

People have to start thinking like Vince thinks, this is a business if you don't like how he's doing business don't give him your money for anything then be vocal why you won't give him your money. Don't keep paying for a product you say is shyt then complain that the product is still shyt. ppl

BTW your eyeballs also count as your wallet also if you don't like the guy they're pushing don't watch wwe gets those quarter hourly reports, less eyes watching = less money
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Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
The thing is that if you write characters who make sense and book them in ways that people want to see or would accept, the fans will be invested in the show. Look at the reactions rocky maivia would get. He got go away Heat. He then turned heel and became the rock. That go away Heat became heel heat. Eventually he got so over he became a face because he was such a good heel. Same thing with Steve Austin. Kurt angle was a phenomenal heel, but so entertaining both as a serious and comedic figure, that we started to cheer for him. The list of exceptions for this rule is very rare. Hogan got away with it since it was the 80's and there wasn't a weekly show. Taker kinda did because his character is one of a kind so you don't really have to change him much beyond who he has his matches with, Jeff hardy and rvd got to because they were so exciting in the ring. Punk turned off the most venomous promo since the Austin 3:16 speech. Even :bryan: worked as a face that gradually turned heel that the fans gradually came back around with the no chants and team hell no. Even :smugeddie: never had a formal face turn in 2002-03, and he got the crowd so strongly behind him that we wouldn't accept his 2003 heel turn. We just kept cheering him anyway. Even his 2005 turn saw a lot of fans still behind him. Los Guerreros were highly entertaining and they earned their stripes in the ring. Eventually the crowd stopped booing and started cheering.
Thats all true but every smark knows this. I guess my point is what can be done? Im personally sick of waiting for them to do something worth a damn with Roman so I tuned out. I wont buy a ticket to complain about what I see wether it gives me the right to or not. I wish more people would follow suit or throw full support somewhere else so real changes can be made.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Thats all true but every smark knows this. I guess my point is what can be done? Im personally sick of waiting for them to do something worth a damn with Roman so I tuned out. I wont buy a ticket to complain about what I see wether it gives me the right to or not. I wish more people would follow suit or throw full support somewhere else so real changes can be made.
That's what I did nine years ago. By 2007 I was fed up with how they booked cena and went out of their way to keep other people from shining so in early 2008 I stopped watching regularly and began changing the channel when he was on. By the time the guest host stuff rolled around I had stopped watching entirely. Same principle applies here. I'm not entertained so I don't tune in. Tsc is really the only reason I've kept up to speed with what's going on.


May 8, 2012
spend hundreds to watch a beach ball and do the wave. :heh:
I would be embarassed to sit with this crowd, Cringy unoriginal chants throughout. :scusthov:

vince doesn't have to change shyt, they will still show up regardless as long as they get a platform to try and get themselves over :mjlol:

Homer Simpson

May 30, 2012
They boo Cena cause he's been the same stale/bland face character for the past 10 years and to anyone under the age of 12 it's beyond cringey.
They boo Goldberg cause he's a 50 year old who came back after 12 years and squashed people and won the title heading into Mania.
And they cheer Miz cause he's been cutting money promos and for the last year or so he's been consistently one of the best parts about the E.

Anything else breh? :troll:

Cena was stale in the late 2000s, when he started putting over Punk/Bryan/Brock/Owens/AJ, and got out of the main event scene for the most part he became much better. He's supposed to be the "hero", the stuff with sick kids and never giving up is not cringey. As long as he's having good matches, promos, and programs I don't see the problem.

Goldberg's whole thing was squashing people. He had two short matches, and was in kayfabe the strongest wrestler ever after he beat Brock. Two out of three of the matches were good, the one with Owens was trash. Otherwise the majority of his segments are great.

Miz cuts great promos, but he's a heel. Respect him by booing him when he makes fun of Bryan for having to retire early. Miz is actually one of the few heels that actually got heat until the smarks came around. :scust:

Why do they pop for triple h and stephanie when they're booked poorly, shoved down people's throats, cut bad promos, have terrible matches, and terrible programs. Unlike everyone else, these two actually have control over what they do :mjlol:

They gave no fukks about the great cruiserweight match on raw but then complain about roman reigns. they don't realize roman is actually a heel :mjlol: they reacted to reigns exactly the way WWE wanted them to

they're idiots breh


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
The smark crowd was even more embarrassing during the Goldberg segment. He made them look pathetic.
They booed Goldberg's name hard in the Heyman segment with Lesnar seemingly turning face again but Goldberg flipped the crowd in the post show segment after coming out to no Goldberg theme music chants. Impressive. Another win for NO SCRIPTS.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
To get rid of roman...arenas gotta sound like the time grandmasta sexay returned.....not a peep
The thing is I'd expect them to pipe in cheers for him then as well. I mean if they edit in positive fan reactions on camera after he wins or loses like the edit of the upset fan when he lost the US title for him like they have in the past, what's to say they won't just keep doing that? We've seen them pipe chants in for other guys and edit out cheers for other guys too (punk and bryan in particular, with one example being the 2k15 reveal when his picture was shown). They even turned off the crowd microphones last year at wrestlemania to hide how bad the boos were. The fans have to not show up at all in the first place.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Cena was stale in the late 2000s, when he started putting over Punk/Bryan/Brock/Owens/AJ, and got out of the main event scene for the most part he became much better. He's supposed to be the "hero", the stuff with sick kids and never giving up is not cringey. As long as he's having good matches, promos, and programs I don't see the problem.

Goldberg's whole thing was squashing people. He had two short matches, and was in kayfabe the strongest wrestler ever after he beat Brock. Two out of three of the matches were good, the one with Owens was trash. Otherwise the majority of his segments are great.

Miz cuts great promos, but he's a heel. Respect him by booing him when he makes fun of Bryan for having to retire early. Miz is actually one of the few heels that actually got heat until the smarks came around. :scust:

Why do they pop for triple h and stephanie when they're booked poorly, shoved down people's throats, cut bad promos, have terrible matches, and terrible programs. Unlike everyone else, these two actually have control over what they do :mjlol:

They gave no fukks about the great cruiserweight match on raw but then complain about roman reigns :mjlol:

they're idiots breh
They never cheered Miz for coming at Bryan..just Cena.
May 1, 2012
This is what happens with a lot of these people. They are the types who are into garage bands and indie bands etc but the second that band is signed to a major label they start bytching. Either they are being used wrong by the label or they "sold out" or whatever. They can't stand to see someone they liked do well for themselves.

You look at a guy like AJ Styles. Should he have been in the main event? Yeah probably. But do you think he gives a fukk about not being in it? He had the time of his life wrestling Shane McMahon in front of 75,000 people.

Sometimes I think the only reason why these people gravitate to indy wrestlers is because they are relatable. Oh, they are "one of us". But sorry, a guy making over a million a year+ in the big leagues now you don't wanna see him do well :mjlol:

They are all losers basically.