Terrorist White man shoots up a historic Black church in SC. Denmark Vesey church. 9 Dead


All Star
Jun 11, 2012
Enticing racial-tensions will not help anybody or fix anything, and the collective-responsibility talking-points need to stop. The individual bears moral responsibility for what he or she has done and it would be fallacies to argue otherwise, or suggest retribution needs to be payed by someone else other than the individual in question.
Shut the fuk up, acting like racial tensions are brand new, hahaha


Nov 26, 2014
The folly of "African American".

You can only be a FOOL for so long you see..

If you have the unfortunate of finding yourself amidst the sea then you consequently and rapidly learn how to swim (there and then). You will either do so or perish. Simple, eh. Quite, quite.

Imagine ripe men and women doing 'bible study' despite the modern man understanding of life. If you insist upon going to churches and believing in "god" etc. Plead not when the evil decides to somehow assist you on your imminent arrival to 'heaven'. A mutual understanding in my view.


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
I hope the law punishes this piece of shyt to the highest degree, but I doubt that will prevent spree-shootings of this nature from occurring in the future because the type of ppl committing these acts seem to be flat out psychotic. Which prevents them from valuing consequences/self-harm and a host of other things that could be used to sway/prevent a individual from committing senseless, mass, violence. So how can we logically expect these types to value the severe punishment Dyann is going to receive.

If ppl want to seriously think of ways we can prevent these type of incidents from happening than I think we should seriously be looking at the mental health system in this country. We need better methods for detecting these type of fuccbois(if possible). This Dylann faq was a secluded NEET for years(?), and no one around him like his parents thought maybe we need to get him in a straight jacket?

It isn't a "mental illness" as many people (white) like to call it. It is flat-out white supremacy/nationalism which is a cultural attitude that is inherent within western value systems. Dylan was just exercising those values that have been suggested by philosophers like David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Hegel to name a few out of the many. So let's not pretend that Dylan is just an outlier who had issues.

and your other post spoke on, "enticing racial angst" or something to that degree. Racial tensions have always been high. There has NEVER been a time where racial tensions weren't high within the past 400-500 years in this country.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX

Well, Rachel did because she made up hate crimes to give herself cred so :francis:

but the rest are on some marky mark/justin bieber/madonna bullshyt.
Rachel is a lunatic who needs to be locked away, she talks about identifying herself as black when she was 5 but sues Howard U for racial discrimination because she's white:stopitslime:


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
It isn't a "mental illness" as many people (white) like to call it. It is flat-out white supremacy/nationalism which is a cultural attitude that is inherent within western value systems. Dylan was just exercising those values that have been suggested by philosophers like David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Hegel to name a few out of the many. So let's not pretend that Dylan is just an outlier who had issues.

Suffering from mental illness and being racist aren't mutual exclusive attributes. They could both hold true, and most likely is true in this case which would explain why he did what so many others that carry his same beliefs don't. Of course there has been no information on his mental state that has been released yet(that I know of), so this is all speculation; however, I still think with basic inductive reasoning we could clearly see that what I am suggesting is very likely to be true. Just think about, logically.

We know there to be 100s of thousands of ppl who carry the same belies and values that this faq did, you even list some, but yet spree-shootings of a racial nature is a statically anomaly, so there is definitely a difference between Dyfag and the others going on. Next, we know his parents stated he was a NEET, for years, which tells me his mental state was probably poor, and a sign of anti social behavior. Last, he shows zero fear or care about consequence he is gonna face for his actions. He doesn't value self-harm, that's textbook Psychosis.

Take all I listed together and their is only two possible conclusion you could logically draw imo. Either Dylan was just more racist than all racist in the last 40 years, or the fags mental facilitates lacked the ability to value the consequence of his actions/self-harm/empathy which I would argue is some of the core properties that stops the other ppl who share his view from committing spree-shootings. Personally, from what we know right now, it makes more sense to go with the ladder imo. Racism choose his targets, but it was his mental state that removed all prohibitions.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Suffering from mental illness and being racist aren't mutual exclusive attributes. They could both hold true, and most likely is true in this case which would explain why he did what so many others that carry his same beliefs don't. Of course there has been no information on his mental state that has been released yet(that I know of), so this is all speculation; however, I still think with basic inductive reasoning we could clearly see that what I am suggesting is very likely to be true. Just think about, logically.

We know there to be 100s of thousands of ppl who carry the same belies and values that this faq did, you even list some, but yet spree-shootings of a racial nature is a statically anomaly, so there is definitely a difference between Dyfag and the others going on. Next, we know his parents stated he was a NEET, for years, which tells me his mental state was probably poor, and a sign of anti social behavior. Last, he shows zero fear or care about consequence he is gonna face for his actions. He doesn't value self-harm, that's textbook Psychosis.

Take all I listed together and their is only two possible conclusion you could logically draw imo. Either Dylan was just more racist than all racist in the last 40 years, or the fags mental facilitates lacked the ability to value the consequence of his actions/self-harm/empathy which I would argue is some of the core properties that stops the other ppl who share his view from committing spree-shootings. Personally, from what we know right now, it makes more sense to go with the ladder imo. Racism choose his targets, but it was his mental state that removed all prohibitions.
Stop it, Dude was thinking clearly and knew exactly what he was doing. People who are mentally ill are not in their right frame of mind which is why they can't be held accountable because their brain is sick, racists have a clear functioning brain and plan exactly how they want to say/do the things they do.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Stop it, Dude was thinking clearly and knew exactly what he was doing. People who are mentally ill are not in their right frame of mind which is why they can't be held accountable because their brain is sick, racists have a clear functioning brain and plan exactly how they want to say/do the things they do.

Okay, lets deconstruct this. First, there isn't one "type" of mental illness. The word itself covers a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. For example a schizophrenic disorder isn't the same as a Antisocial Personality Disorder. So it's all in the realm of possibility for a psychopath who can't form emotional attachments or feel real empathy with others to have racist ideologies, the ability to plan, reason, and strategize an elaborate crime. Secondly, what you said about accountable is just false. The criminal justice system does not prosecutes all mental disorders under the exact same reasoning. A psychopath gets punished to the degree of his crime like every none mentally ill person would.

In closing, just to make this clear, I'm not saying that Dylan is a textbook psychopath(I do believe he has key ASPD traits), I'm merely disputing your false claim that someone with a mental disorder couldn't be able to plan, in advance, a crime. There is just no evidence for that.


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
Suffering from mental illness and being racist aren't mutual exclusive attributes. They could both hold true, and most likely is true in this case which would explain why he did what so many others that carry his same beliefs don't. Of course there has been no information on his mental state that has been released yet(that I know of), so this is all speculation; however, I still think with basic inductive reasoning we could clearly see that what I am suggesting is very likely to be true. Just think about, logically.

We know there to be 100s of thousands of ppl who carry the same belies and values that this faq did, you even list some, but yet spree-shootings of a racial nature is a statically anomaly, so there is definitely a difference between Dyfag and the others going on. Next, we know his parents stated he was a NEET, for years, which tells me his mental state was probably poor, and a sign of anti social behavior. Last, he shows zero fear or care about consequence he is gonna face for his actions. He doesn't value self-harm, that's textbook Psychosis.

Take all I listed together and their is only two possible conclusion you could logically draw imo. Either Dylan was just more racist than all racist in the last 40 years, or the fags mental facilitates lacked the ability to value the consequence of his actions/self-harm/empathy which I would argue is some of the core properties that stops the other ppl who share his view from committing spree-shootings. Personally, from what we know right now, it makes more sense to go with the ladder imo. Racism choose his targets, but it was his mental state that removed all prohibitions.

Some people aren't afraid of the consequences that follow their ideology. They are covered under the identity as, "martyrs". That is what Dylan thinks of himself. A lot of people with mental illness don't have the introspective frame of mind like Dylan had/has, and he isn't a "psychopath" in the general sense, he is a racist, i.e., he believes his race is the only race worth protecting, and that his race is superior to all others. He hated black people with such vitriol because he felt we were causing his race harm, and in effect, causing him harm. So he lashed out.

He doesn't fit the bill of a psychopath as he does have empathy, but it is rather limited to his own group. Dylan shooting up a church is his idea of making up for his lack in other areas. If you read his manifesto you'd know this evident fact. He is just a racist who felt he needed to do something about the blacks.