Bruh i'm listening to this andNone of the hosts are c00ning in that station that's why I fukks with it. The host talking now is asking why in the hell are black people trying to unify with whites right after they shot up our church.
Yeah the station is legit. The hosts don't allow any c00ning and they quick to call out cacery in all its formsBruh i'm listening to this anddude was going in and he nailed it when he spoke on black preachers, this is now on my recommended listening list. It's also nice to hear some of the older black folks go in, because we have way too many bible thumpers telling us to be calm and pray.
well said. I agree 100%. Personally I'd like to see him hit with Capital Punishment. I think that this would send out the message that an atrocity of this type will not be tolerated under any circumstance. If the system is there, let's use it to our advantage.Enticing racial-tensions will not help anybody or fix anything, and the collective-responsibility talking-points need to stop. The individual bears moral responsibility for what he or she has done and it would be fallacies to argue otherwise, or suggest retribution needs to be payed by someone else other than the individual in question.
I hope the law punishes this piece of shyt to the highest degree, but I doubt that will prevent spree-shootings of this nature from occurring in the future because the type of ppl committing these acts seem to be flat out psychotic. Which prevents them from valuing consequences/self-harm and a host of other things that could be used to sway/prevent a individual from committing senseless, mass, violence. So how can we logically expect these types to value the severe punishment Dyann is going to receive.well said. I agree 100%. Personally I'd like to see him hit with Capital Punishment. I think that this would send out the message that an atrocity of this type will not be tolerated under any circumstance. If the system is there, let's use it to our advantage.
Reparations? That's what you thinking about?
Christ almighty
Because we're Black. It's not happening. You just said it. Everyone's gotten it but us and we've been waitingn hundreds of years. We don't need that anyway, we need to separate ourselves.1st all my post aren't on Reparations, I've spoken on other issues but Yep Jews Got it, Asians got it during WWII even the Native Americans got it (Although it was weak). But God Forbid Black People Ancestors and all their pain be acknowledge by the White Race is something they have yet to do. The biggest trick the White Race played on Black people is acting like Representations is some 'Hand out" no the f*ck it isn't. IT'S OWED to us. They've made TRILLIONS off the backs of slaves in this country and did NOTHING to repay all their work. So again I ask if the Jews got Reparations for the Holocaust, why are Blacks so brainwashed against their Ancestors getting justice?
brehs really don't understand that this is a precedent. now it is gonna be even worse. copy cats getting brave that this fukk boy did it.Police confront man who was threatening members at South Richmond church
Happened on Thurs, they took him to a mental hospital to cool off
Enticing racial-tensions will not help anybody or fix anything, and the collective-responsibility talking-points need to stop. The individual bears moral responsibility for what he or she has done and it would be fallacies to argue otherwise, or suggest retribution needs to be payed by someone else other than the individual in question.
Funny because you never hear white people saying that to other whites just to black people.Enticing racial-tensions will not help anybody or fix anything, and the collective-responsibility talking-points need to stop. The individual bears moral responsibility for what he or she has done and it would be fallacies to argue otherwise, or suggest retribution needs to be payed by someone else other than the individual in question.