I think it's a Terminator/robot.Is that thing in the middle a Man or woman?
I think it's a Terminator/robot.Is that thing in the middle a Man or woman?
This movie is acting like that movie never happened.I gotta see a trailer because Sarah died of cancer right before part 3 right?!?![]()
This movie is acting like that movie never happened.
I'm getting Terminator Genysis marketing vibes.![]()
Its shooting now...where tf is connor?
I just hope they fix the timeline...end it already with the timeline fixed...
This takes place after T2 so everything else that’s happened since is wiped out. Simple
So the story right before judgement day...So genesys didn't happen at all or is it the continuation after???
Keep it simple: Anything after T2 didn't happen. It's blown into existence like dust. This is Cameron's way of saying "yeah those weren't good movies now here's what I would do"