jaydolf spitler
New company wrote me back talking about an Account Ececutive role opened up they want to consider me for, an even better role than what I was going for and now I have a chance to make double what I was making at my last company.was "forced to resign" over some BS performance reviews.
Performance review rating scale is 1 to 3
No breakdown of categories and an average of the numbers. Literally basically a "we decide to just give you this". They tried to point out areas I was struggling in but I had screenshots and everything to show the full context and why their reasons were stupid.
Could do a PIP and try to survive, if not, no severance, or resign and get severance. So i resigned a few days before my daughter's 1 yr bday.
I resigned basically saying based on the lack of context they exhibit when judging my performance, I don't feel confident they'd rate me fairly and objectively
Finished 2nd job interview at new company last week. I think I may get an offer but won't find out until early next week. Bigger company, better pay
If I can land this transition this smoothly and quickly, I'll be so happy.
I can't take this job market