Teacher humiliates student who was sleeping in class


Nov 30, 2015
so nobody saw him smile and giggle in the first few seconds... everything after that he was faking sleep and everyone involved knew it. you can be dead and you ain't gonna be holding your head up and dropping it back down like that without waking up.. especially on your own power
The way he said "stop" didn't sound very sedating so I def think he played along with it to an extent. The fact there's years of students saying she has an unconventional style makes me think she should've at least gotten a suspension & made a public apology as long as the student and parent was ok with her returning at some point.


All Star
May 1, 2012
Dumb bytch should have called the school nurse if the kid wasn't waking up. If he's that hard to wake up then he's probably heavily drugged up(prescription or illegal). Getting on top of his desk patting him on the head, putting your foot on him, etc is totally unnecessary.

Kid might be diabetic and been hypoglycemic....definitely not appropriate behavior, but the big question is would she have done that to a white kid.:patrice:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
so nobody saw him smile and giggle in the first few seconds... everything after that he was faking sleep and everyone involved knew it. you can be dead and you ain't gonna be holding your head up and dropping it back down like that without waking up.. especially on your own power

You sound like a discrace :scust:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
GPBear said:
Yeah, it's liberals fault that our education infrastructure has gone to shyt :stopitslime:

Yes, without a doubt.
GPBear said:
Oh wait, who signed NCLB which took money out of inner city schools? Oh, republicans.
And who just tried cutting all the spending on arts and music endowments? oh, republicans.

Who was it that that kept pouring money into 'education' and thereby forced Black people to keep their kids in failing schools? Liberals
Who was it that said that background checks were bad and 'racist', when the fact of the matter was that employers were MORE LIKELY TO HIRE BLACK PEOPLE WITH BACKGROUND CHECKS? Liberals.
Who is it that keeps denigrating giving parents a choice as to where to send their children to schools? Liberals.
Who was it that kept giving Black families money on the condition that Black men were kept out of the home? Liberals.
Who was it that decided that people have a right to be homeless? Liberals.
Who was it that said that students' right of 'free speech' was more important than a teachers' right to keep control in the classroom? Liberals.
Frederick Douglass said:
“Everybody has asked the question, and they learned to ask it early of the abolitionists, ‘What should we do with the Negro?’” said Douglass. “I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are worm-eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall.

Liberals have been playing both sides against the middle for so long that you clowns keep falling for their 'tricknology' and keep overlooking the gross issues our community has suffered due to their meddling in our affairs 'for our own good'. 'No Child Left Behind' is NOTHING compared to what Liberal policies have done, and continue to do, to the Black community, because ignorant pussies like you let them under the impression that their policies are actually 'helping' us.

You don't know shyt, especially history.

Go read a goddamned book you Liberal dikksukking fakkit.

Here's a good one.....




The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
You sound like a discrace :scust:
You sound like you can’t see. What human being on earth wouldn’t wake up. Why when he leans over his teeth showing and his shoulders shaking like he laughing. Why the whole class laughing. Why the kids and the parents fighting for her?

"I don't know why she is being accused of doing anything she shouldn't have been doing when she was just joking around,” Palmetto High School graduate Jordan Smith said. “She's never done anything to harm a student. She's always done the best she can to help.”

Students past and present said Houston was more than just a math teacher to them.

“Lisa was somebody who loved willingly, anybody, no matter who you were, where you came from,” Palmetto High graduate Ryan Rector said. "It's hurt our community, because Anderson One has lost a wonderful teacher. Palmetto High School has lost a wonderful teacher."

Parents agreed Houston had a different way of teaching that reached students in an unconventional way.

“When I see this video, I saw what she did for years,” parent Michael Gowen said. “If anything ever happened to me, and my sons didn’t have anybody to go to, I’d want Lisa to raise them. We’re taking a stand. We want teachers to take the classroom back, and we want Lisa to get back into the classroom.”

Cause y’all nikkas so angry, you can’t see this is as fake as them IG skits


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Kid was GONE. As in high as a kite. Why is everyone acting like hes just sleeping. I can only imagine how often schools must be dealing with this shyt now. We only had weed in our day people werent sleepwalkin at their desk.

Yall overreacting in here. This is nothing. My teacher used to smack us if we slept and she wasnt no nun like my dads day. Kids used to get beat.

Funny thing is i think ahe was tryna save homie the trouble of sendingin him to the office and being suspended for being high at school. If he wakes up n pays attention she can play it off. She tryna wake him up but the longer it goes the less funny it is cuz he ibviously high as a kite and this video prolly got him suspended too and her fired.

Yall crying she racist.. if she was racist she woulda called for help and got the kid in a lot of trouble. She tryna wake him up.. went too far but she aint the one on one, he is.

Snitches with phones man. Hate today
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Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
You sound like you can’t see. What human being on earth wouldn’t wake up. Why when he leans over his teeth showing and his shoulders shaking like he laughing. Why the whole class laughing. Why the kids and the parents fighting for her?

"I don't know why she is being accused of doing anything she shouldn't have been doing when she was just joking around,” Palmetto High School graduate Jordan Smith said. “She's never done anything to harm a student. She's always done the best she can to help.”

Students past and present said Houston was more than just a math teacher to them.

“Lisa was somebody who loved willingly, anybody, no matter who you were, where you came from,” Palmetto High graduate Ryan Rector said. "It's hurt our community, because Anderson One has lost a wonderful teacher. Palmetto High School has lost a wonderful teacher."

Parents agreed Houston had a different way of teaching that reached students in an unconventional way.

“When I see this video, I saw what she did for years,” parent Michael Gowen said. “If anything ever happened to me, and my sons didn’t have anybody to go to, I’d want Lisa to raise them. We’re taking a stand. We want teachers to take the classroom back, and we want Lisa to get back into the classroom.”

Cause y’all nikkas so angry, you can’t see this is as fake as them IG skits

You typed all that just to cape for white mommy :whew:

You actyally typed a novel to excuse that grown woman’s awful behavior:wow:

Putting your feet on a child is ok to you :dead:
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