@AJaRuleStan Your thoughts?
Eh. I thought about this in the past as possibly being interesting, but ultimately I don't see the point in it. I mean, imo, Jared really isn't all that impressive of debater to begin with. But in the context of debating Tariq, there just isn't anything interesting to argue there.
Put it like this, Jared is an advocate for freedom of association so the second Tariq gets into it about the validity of WS, Jared will just be like, "
Yeah, you're right Tariq, as the last 4 centuries have clearly shown, whites&blacks attempting to share a society together produce conflict so lets just separate and move towards decentralization!". At that point, what is Tariq going to say? After all, he is the one who flat out claims blacks are currently being dominated under a system of white supremacy so bad that black ppl are being killed with impunity -- and have been since the founding of Jamestown -- so the notion that he would argue against JT on that point just wouldn't make sense. It would be like a battered and abused Wife refusing her Husband's suggestion for a divorce, it just wouldn't follow.
In point, Tariq's whole approach is designed for generic republicans because they actually care about being labeled racist and WS. Jared Taylor is a separatist, he flat out doesn't care if Tariq pulls those cards, he won't refute them, he will concede them and simply say isn't that just all more evidence blacks would be better off not being around racist, oppressive whites.