To be honest, the perfect person would be
Professor BlackTruth, not Tariq Nasheed. PBT has an amazing knowledge of history, associated with his rich intellectual analysis of modern events. Tariq is a good entertainer, he is good with using the moment, to turn into something funny. But not great at killing people with words and facts.
Many of these so called white supremacists or race realists, always have the same arguments..."No civilization, no wheel, no writing language, violence and bla bla bla".
They have their shytty media on their side, so they try to turn that into facts, when in reality, it is all biased.
But, notice that when they talk about history, they associate themselves to Greece or Rome. When they are not from ancient Greece or Rome. They are descendants of the people, that greeks and romans saw as savages, germanic savages and barbarian tribes. And, if you guys pay attention, there were more interactions and respect between Romans and Nubians, than Romans with Germanic people and barbarians.
By the time that you had Nsibidi, Meroitic and Ge'ez in Africa, the ancestors of people like Jared Taylor, were doing nothing. And i am not lying, you can all go look for that.
I was blocked by a Swedish guy because i was killing him with facts about his people. When i proved him that his kind only produced important things, after interacting and killing other people, he simply called me "anti-white". I asked him "after i showed you the writing languages that africans created alone, now it is your turn. What writing language was created by your kind? And he told me latin lmao"...Well, "mate", latin comes from the Egyptian hieroglyphs. That was enough for him to block me.