Tariq Nasheed basically comes out as a republican


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
I think dems and repubs are more bipartisan than they let on, the so called beef seems like scripted reality tv for the most part while behind closed doors they making deals with each other

That’s because it is true and they’ve made that entirely clear on more than one occasion. At the end of the day, both parties are answering to the same people behind closed doors and people are naive if they think otherwise.


Jul 25, 2018
They're too busy trying to muzzle free speech and co-opting black struggle but give them time.

Trying to muzzle free speech? You sound like some Tucler Carolson watching cac mad he can't talk slick racist shyt from the rooftops without consequence no more. "Muh freedom of speech!!"

And stop the projecting. The only people trying to co-opt black people's struggle is internet nikkas like you and Tariq. Taking pro-black politics and using it to push your own politically motivated Anti-gay, anti-immigrants, anti-liberals, anti-Democrats, "Trump ain't so bad for us," and now apparently anti-abortion rights agendas. Trying to conflate black politics with right wing wedge issues that aint nothing but a distraction towards your own motives and doesn't move the needle one bit for black people.

People like you that keep pushing this twisted narrative that if a black man doesn't shoot himself directly in the foot and side with right wing MAGA fascism over equality and liberalism, then he's a weak dude betraying militant black causes in favor of protecting gays and trans.

Oh please.

Everyone here sees which sides twists themselves into pretzels with lies and misinfo pushing black people to be "conservative" or apathetic non voters at best, as seen here. Under the guise of pushing black agendas when really yall just want to see Democrats lose and Republicans win.

Everything else is shameless cap and bad faith acting from the pathetic MAGA cult.
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Jul 25, 2018
Tariq was defeated by father time. Basically...he is getting old. I know he presented himself as being about in his 40s for a while, but he's actually in his 50s. As you get older you get more conservative and start yelling get off my lawn.

I disagree. If black people became conservative as they got older the GOP would win every election and we'd be 2 years away from a Donald Trump third term and the beginning of a right wing fascist regime in America.

Most older black folks, regardless of their own personal reservations about certain things, are Democrats, prefer the liberal candidate and the liberal party, prefer the liberal platform over the "family values" racist and discriminating conservative platform despite what TLRepublican nikkas want you to believe.

As you get older you become more willing to participate in elections and government, as well as financial institutions and others. And we choose to participate as liberals. All day every day.

Nasheed is just a straight up pro-Donald Trump, alt-right adjacent c00n shamelessly finessing pro-blackness to push his own politically and financially motivated agendas.

I wouldn't even say he a true Republican or conservative. Dude is on his Alex Jones shyt. He sees there is big money in pushing right wing contrarian shyt to an audience of anti-social weirdos who somehow feel threatened by "liberals" pushing for people's rights and protections--even if it includes his own rights.

He doesn't care as long as he got hold of a naive "pro-black" audience that doesn't trust or understand actual, legitimate journalism. Easy money.
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Jul 25, 2018
I already know they don't have the votes. But Democrats don't fight AT ALL. Democrats suck at messaging and they've allowed Republicans to control bullshyt culture war narrative BS like CRT and "groomers".

Democrats have been fighting for this shyt for ages.

Hillary Clinton warned the world that EVERYTHING that is shocking this country now was going to happen if you don't vote Democrat.

They ARE coming after every modern day civil right that has been accomplished. They ARE gonna stop large swaths of people from voting across the nation. They ARE going to politically and socially embolden white supremacists and white nationalist groups into acts of violence and even insurrection o our government.

And all the tough guys like Tariq Nasheed and the TLRepublicans said this just the sneaky liberals trying to fear monger us into supporting gays. Trump ain't so bad at all, maybe even better for black people. Hillary so corrupt. She tryna distract us from her emails. Go Trump!

And when we remind folks that black Civil rights are on the chopping block with these Trump-McConnell judges you got black militants here STILL saying it's all a "scare tactic" to make us vote Democrat. Because oh dear the only thing worse than possibly losing your civil rights is being "forced" to vote Democrat huh?

It ain't the Democrats fault that folks--especially young folks who value the culture we live under today the most--don't want to truly vote and support them with the same vigor as conservatives support their party no matter what. It's not their fault that the internet misinformation campaign of political youtubers is made up entirely of sleazy alt-righters on top of the Fox machine, meanwhile left wingers are just bytching on Twitter with their stupid hashtags, committing to not vote if Democrats don't commit to shyt that has no public support and serves no purpose than just a soundbite layup for their opponent.

This is a government by and for the people. It ain't Democrats unwilling to fight fascism, it's us. It's us looking at Donald Trump and looking for every reason to call him some misunderstood lovable heroe, and who looked at Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and looked for any cherry picked reason to call them corrupt and racist. It's us who falls for any contrarian nonsense we're told on the internet ultimately motivating us to give away our political power. It's us who let the right wing narratives fly instead of pushing back.

look how many people here have to be promised a lump sum reparations check on the spot in order to vote. The threat posed to their entire civil rights for generations ain't enough motive. We don't want to win and we don't care until it's too late. That ain't the party's fault.

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
It is what it is. Those that oppose him should come up with a better counter-message then. Shaming tactics are weak in this day and age and part of why things are as they are. :yeshrug:


Jul 25, 2018

Democrats are weak And complacent.

can’t believe so many still support they blunt dysfunction

but that’s where a shytty 2 party system gets us :yeshrug:

And if we had this multi-party system being inclusive of issues "exclusive to so-and-so people" or pursuing the votes of minorities groups would be even more completely useless and ignored. Every one of these multi-parties would be vying for the votes of whites and the parties that are most successful in doing so would win. Over and over and over. All y'alls dream militant policies and legislation would be a laughable conversation under a multi-party system. The party that is "pro-black" would be there purely for symbolism. They would NEVER be able to compete with the half a dozen more or so conservative or moderate parties that have much wider political appeal.

I wish folks who claim to be "pro-black" in freaking America would stop repeating this faux intellectual shyt. No, a multi-party system in America would not be better for black people, black politics, or black issues. It would be the most counter productive thing to our interests ever.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
I disagree. If black people became conservative as they got older the GOP would win every election and we'd be 2 years away from a Donald Trump third term and the beginning of a right wing fascist regime in America.

Most older black folks, regardless of their own personal reservations about certain things, are Democrats, prefer the liberal candidate and the liberal party, prefer the liberal platform over the "family values" racist and discriminating conservative platform despite what TLRepublican nikkas want you to believe.

As you get older you become more willing to participate in elections and government, as well as financial institutions and others.

Nasheed is just a straight up pro-Donald Trump, alt-right adjacent c00n shamelessly finessing pro-blackness to push his own politically and financially motivated agendas.

I wouldn't even say he a true Republican or conservative. Dude is on his Alex Jones shyt. He sees there is big money in pushing right wing contrarian shyt to an audience of anti-social weirdos who somehow feel threatened by "liberals" pushing for people's rights and protections--even if it includes his own rights.

He doesn't care as long as he got hold of a naive "pro-black" audience that doesn't trust or understand actual, legitimate journalism. Easy money.

Agreed as always.

And for a simpler example, it was older black voters in the south that put Biden over the edge in the primaries and in Georgia.