That's the whole point. Movies marketed towards kids.
The 80's was the end of the director lead production era of Hollywood.
After Spielberg came along, and after the failure of movies like Heaven's Gate, studios seized control of the industry again. Ambitious, adult oriented, large production films gave way to production line franchise bait and cheap teen star vehicles.
Compare the iconic films of the 70's (Godfather, Rocky, Dog Day Afternoon, Deer Hunter, French Connection, All The President's Men, ,Three Days of the Condor, Dirty Harry etc etc etc on and on) to what followed the decade after.
Shiny, easily digestible popcorn flicks that were adult in only their violence and sexual suggestiveness, but not in any real thought provoking concepts. Those films, the ones we now consider "award bait" were the NORM for block hater attractions until the 80s came along.
The 80s was the dawn of big budget movies made for kids, teens, and adult children.
This isn't even a hot take. It's just fact. All of the director's from the time speak on this.
Watch " De Palma" if you get a chance where he expands on it. Studios kept meddling in films to make them more palatable for big audiences in the 80s after it wasn't happening at all in the 70s.