So disappointed in this. Ya know how it was sold as this pulpy action movie with bullets and stunts and a cool retro vibe? Yeah none of that was here. It took something that should've been fun and pulp and turned it into soap opera and way too melodramatic for its own good. Characters switched emotions like switchblades being pulled out. This should've been the female John Wick but its not even close. In fact, the last action scene of the movie is what the movie should've been. Instead they thought they were making Shakespeare. Taraji deserved better. A lot better. Danny Glover seems like he was just collecting a check and no one else knew what movie they were in, including the director.
The idea of Taraji choosing being a mom over the life she was leading is a great one...but its barely touched on. The fun of the last scene? Nowhere else in the movie. The writing was so all over the damn place and the movie never knew what it was and couldn't exist in its own universe or even obey its own laws.

Proud Mary my ass