Fast Money & Foreign Objects
kids kill grown men the world over with guns everyday. We do empower our police officers to do certain things and we also SHOULD hold them to a higher standard. However; that standard does not include NOT defending themselves from a threat.
YOU know it's a BB gun. The cops did not have the benefit of that information. Have you seen some of these BB guns? They are almost exact imitations of their bigger brothers except they shoot bb's not hollow-points. Should we expect a cop to have the kid shoot at him first then determine only a BB was shot? That's crazy talk.
Clearly there are issues with the way cops approach non white people, that's not really the issue though is it?
The issue is the cops pulled up, had reports the kid had a gun, approached the kid and the kid reached for a gun. How much shyttier would the situation be if the kid pulled out a 9mm got off two rounds hitting two bystanders and or killing one of the cops before being taken out? I guess we'd be sitting here debating why they didn't shoot the kid after being told he had a gun in the 911 call?
I'm no lover of cops and am the first dude to jump on the Fuk pigs bandwagon when I see some shyt. This just isn't one of those cases and I venture most cops, not just the bad ones, would have responded similarly.
There are no winners in this particular situation, the kid's dead, the cops have to live with that attributing the fuked up choice they had to make with ulterior motives outside those of the known is silly.
(if it turns out these cops were abusive cops with prior records and shyt i reserve the right to flip my opinion btw...just for now based on what I do know they responded like most cops are trained to respond)
That's the only thing that matters.