Cari trying to say what's up
She thirsty for T.O. I see it.
Cari trying to say what's up
She thirsty for T.O. I see it.
Throw TO a dating show or something, he needs to be on tv
Him; Irvin, and Prime on NFL Network would be
ask hugh douglas what t.o's hands do..and ask everybody on that team...when t.o asked who else want many of em raised their hands...n he looked dead a donavan ....he gave that whole team a chance to catch the square get whatever they had on their chest off...
n t.o. n hugh been had plex(beef) goin back when they almost boxed at lehigh university...if a 6'2 280 linebacker cant put em down...wha lil ass steve gone do
Completely forgot TO had Hugh wanting no problems.
But this was a great interview, TO came off great answered some tough quetions with a calm demeanor no way was he going to let them ESPN clowns play him.
"I'm black and handsome" word to Rob Parker, Terrell Owens is a "brotha".
Owens admitted that he and Plax and Ochocinco did not navigate NFL politics very well.
Owens sits here confident cuz he is an awesome receiver & a buncha sucky NFL receivers are begging to be REPLACED!!!
Skip's story: Bill Walsh said Owens was the smartest receiver he ever coached, but that the team THERAPIST couldn't reach Owens. WHAT THE fukk??? "REACH HIM" HOW? Terrell IS A GROWN ASS MAN. HE DOESNT HAVE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES LIKE DELONTE WEST. HE DOESNT NEED MEDS OR TALK THERAPY FOR EMOTIONAL TRAUMA.
Owens just needs public relations training to muzzle his damn it MOUTH (& to stop him from referring to his grandma).
Worked for Mike Vick.
--> aq out <--
Cari trying to say what's up
With all the TRASH wr's in the NFL he should be able to make 1/2 these NFL teams easy
Stephen A Smith is going all "sponsor a child" for Terrell Owens.
Not buying what you're selling.
If TO was poorly socialized by grandma, then it probably can't be helped now. Terrell won't learn tact or humility or political correctness THIS late in life. He is already an adult with an inflexible personality. Judging from this interview ALONE, Owens is obstinate as every single solitary fukk. Justifying past mistakes EVEN AS OWENS' EYES WELL UP WITH TEARS.
If a team picks him up, they should expect more of the same divisive leadership style and refusal to take responsibility for personal failures.
TO is who we thought he was. *shrug*
With all the TRASH wr's in the NFL he should be able to make 1/2 these NFL teams easy