How good is Keiths Jab??
I only watch his fights live N haven't rewatched, so my memory of his jab isn't so good
I member Him abandoning his jab vs Porter N I know his reach is only like 69
Is his jab better then PEDs?? Cuz Swift did much better vs PED jab then Herreras
Thurman's jab is decent for what he needs it for which is to set up his power shots, he just under uses it sometimes, especially in the Porter fight (both guys kinda neglected the jab though)
I think Thurman's jab is on par with PEDs, but PED was moving and back peddling a lot and not throwing his jab with conviction like Herrera was doing.
PED is at his best when he's pressuring dudes and coming forward, his boxing on the back foot ain't as good as he thinks it is, but for some reason he tries to do it in his fights, but its not really his bread and butter.
Thurman is a better mover than PED, and it comes more natural to him. PED just don't look right when he tries to box even though he's decent at it.