Supposed “Black” poster identifies with Asians, all while hating his fellow Black People.


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016

Does this not sound like our fellow Asian poster
@G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman ? How can you not think that he posts there on that subreddit regularly? This was posted a few hours ago. This might even be his account on Reddit. *edit* Notice how the account and post is miraculously deleted after this expose' thread. You can still read the comments for a sense of the anti-black rhetoric that these people spew.

An example of him always trying to deflect the hateful and racist views that many Asians have toward Blacks. See other examples below.

Right now his main focus is on Asians and Latinos....he doesn't have his boot solely on black folk neck. Once he gets back to putting his main focus on us nikkas gon be on they Sam Cooke shyt saying "Brother help me pleeeeeease".

A wise man once said that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere :coffee:

This is a decent sized post, but I have to just get this shyt off of my chest.

How this man has a +5,000 reputation and a dap/post ratio like that is mind boggling. It goes to show that there are other imposters and self hating Blacks on this very site that are in agreement with his bullshyt rhetoric. He's also cried and bytched to the mods, and they restored his negative Reputation that he earned. I had him on ignore for months, but I took him off because I wanted to see what racist shyt he was posting on that "Sen. Tom Cotton wants to ban Chinese Students from Studying Science" thread.

Unsurprisingly, he was in that thread critiquing and criticizing Black Americans, yet caping for racist Asians. This Asian man seems to always post up in threads that mention other Asians, and constantly cape for them. We rarely see him in any other threads that mention other race relations. If it is a thread calling out Asians for racism, you know his ass is going to be in there talking down on Blacks, while defending racist Asians.

There is a subreddit on Reddit called "r/aznidentity". This is a racist Asian supremacist message board where they often post all sorts of racist things about Blacks. They talk down upon Blacks and look down upon us on that very subreddit. Take a look. It's disgusting. I firmly believe that @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman is a regular poster over there. When I called him out about him being a regular participant in this subreddit on the "Sen.Tom Cotton" thread, he got in his feelings and was in fear of being exposed. I firmly believe that he is a racist Asian man that posts there, because there is an abundance of evidence and facts that add up. HE NEVER DENIES BEING ASIAN OR POSTING ON THAT SUBREDDIT.

He then went on to block me because he knows that he has been exposed. If you real brehs (ADOS) want me to post up more quotes of @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman being a hypocritical racist Asian, I can. But many of you all know exactly what I'm talking about, and can go to the many Asian related threads to look for yourselves. Or just search his name in TheColi search bar.

What should we do about this, brehs? I've proposed us putting him on ignore en masse months ago. That way he will only be communicating with other people that pose as Black Men and C00ns/self-haters.

Here below, are many quotes and examples of @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman 's anti-Black racism, all written by him...

Don't Asians like himself beat Black women in their businesses? Aren't they forcing Blacks to sleep on the streets and beating up Nigerian diplomats over there in China? Blaming COVID-19 on Africans, knowing damn well that it originated in Wuhan? Not allowing Blacks into restaurants and other businesses? When asked about the way Blacks are treated in China, he states...

Nothing close to what the white man has done and still doing to us in America.
:mjpls: There isn't an "us". He is clearly an Asian man posing as a Black Man.

He clearly believes that us as Blacks should not be concerned about Asian's racism toward us, while referring to us as "black asses".

Exactly...they laugh while the white man oppress others until he comes back around to getting back on they black ass. If you gon despise someone despise your oppressor...not the other folk your oppressor is oppressing.

There are so many more posts. Please add on, brehs.

Ask ya pops, he washes dishes in a Chinese joint to keep them tenement lights on.

Big Shoutout to @Deacon Frye for some great reciepts. @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman was formerly known as "Blackthoughts" before he changed his username.





^^^^^ What Black person do you know takes offense to being called Asian insults? What Black person do you know refers to fellow Blacks as "gorillas", "apes", "baboons", and "sp*cs"? @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman sure does.


I’m just trolling breh.
You have my vote to stay. :yeshrug:

But we as Chinese men need to understand why reparations is important to the African community.

Here below, he again refers to Black people as "apes", "gorillas", "sp*cs", and "baboons", all while upping his fellow Asian race. He was negging posters while doing this.


Given: 3 minutes ago
Blackthoughts commented: (Spic)

Given: Tuesday
Blackthoughts commented: (You are a fukkin clown just like the rest of the ugly baboon bytches in the Eastbay)

Given: Wednesday at 1:08 AM
Blackthoughts commented: (Ya mom's must've fukked an Asian for free food coming up)

Given: May 23rd 2016
Blackthoughts commented: (Dominican Spic )

Given: May 22nd 2016
Blackthoughts commented: (ur a gorilla ass fakkit forreal)

:russ: I am dead

I'm not with any of that doxxing shyt. Neither do I condone it. The shyt is not that serious, neither is it personal to me. That is not the purpose of this thread. That being said, this poster has been revealed to be a racist Asian man or a delusional self-hating Black Man. This is fukkery, yet it was serious enough that I felt compelled to confront him for TLR to see. Thanks to the help of some brehs, the mission was accomplished. DON'T LET HIS FAKE AND FABRICATED HAND PHOTOS FOOL YOU!

THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THAT HE'S BEEN EXPOSED AND CALLED OUT. There are other threads that have done the same, yet he is still allowed to post freely here and spew his anti-Black rhetoric.

Here is another thread of significance. Great thread, might I add. In this thread, he attempts to blame Trayvon Martin for his unjustified homicide and blames Black People for declining property values. Read it for yourself.’t-act-ignorant-there-would-be-less-trayvon-martins-goat-squad-spokesman-banned.746353/
Last edited:

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
An example of him always trying to deflect the hateful and racist views that Asians have toward Blacks. See other examples below.

This is a decent sized post, but I have to just get this shyt off of my chest.

How this man has a +5,000 reputation and a dap/post ratio like that is mind boggling. It goes to show that there are other imposters and self hating Blacks on this very site that are in agreement with his bullshyt rhetoric. I had him on ignore for months, but I took him off because I wanted to see what racist shyt he was posting on that "Sen. Tom Cotton want to ban Chinese Students from Studying Science" thread.

Unsurprisingly, he was in that thread critiquing and criticizing Black Americans, yet caping for racist Asians. This Asian man seems to always post up in threads that mention other Asians, and constantly cape for them. We rarely see him in any other threads that mention other race relations. If it is a thread calling out Asians for racism, you know his ass is going to be in there talking down on Blacks, while defending racist Asians.

There is a subreddit on Reddit called "r/aznidentity". This is a racist Asian supremacist message board where they often post all sorts of racist things about Blacks. They talk down upon Blacks and look down upon us on that very subreddit. Take a look. It's disgusting. I firmly believe that @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman is a regular poster over there. I can't prove it right now, but when I called him out in that "Sen.Tom Cotton" thread, he got in his feelings and was in fear of exposal. I firmly believe that he is a racist Asian man that posts there. HE NEVER DENIES BEING ASIAN OR POSTING ON THAT SUBREDDIT.

He then went on to block me because he knows that he has been exposed. If you real brehs (ADOS) want me to post up more quotes of @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman being a hypocritical racist Asian, I can. But many of you all know exactly what I'm talking about, and can go to the many Asian related threads to look for yourselves. Or just search his name in TheColi search bar.

What should we do about this, brehs? I've proposed us putting him on ignore en masse months ago. That way he will only be communicating with other people posing as Black Men and C00ns.

Don't Asians like himself beat Black women in their businesses? Aren't they forcing Blacks to sleep on the streets and beating up Nigerian diplomats over there in China? Blaming COVID-19 on Africans, knowing damn well that it originated in Wuhan? Not allowing Blacks into restaurants and other businesses? When asked about the way Blacks are treated in China, he states...

:mjpls: There isn't an "us". He is clearly an Asian man posing as a Black Man.

He clearly believes that us as Blacks should not be concerned about Asian's racism toward Blacks, while calling us "black asses".


There are so many more posts. Please add on, brehs.
Come on now :mjlol: