The have Blue Marvel they can push. The only answer to a Superman.This put Marvel on the Hot Seat. Recast T'Challa! T'Challa is one of Marvel Most Powerful Man in Marvel Universe, and DC doing a Black Superman is giving Black Children who never heard of Val Zod another Strong Black Man Image that they had with T'Challa that they can be proud of
This just highlights how weak comics have historically been with minority characters. There are only few notably powerful ones within each company (and most of the good DC Black characters come from Milestone). Most minority heroes are either street level, sidekick/supporting or legacy characters with a mantle passed down from a more iconic White hero. Like the only reason Shang Chi got a film is because Marvel looked in their history for a prominent Asian hero, and the only choices they really had to push were either Shang Chi or little Amadeus Cho.
That's why I always been down with the idea creating new strong, original minority characters off jump, introduce them in the films and then they can work their way into the comics.