Super Mario Bros Movie (April 5th, 2023) starring Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Keagen-Micheal Key, Jack Black, and Seth Rogan 👑🍄


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
So I'm seeing some videos about "Why is Princess Peach a bada$$ and not a damsel in distress". Who said Boswer won't kidnap her at some point? It seems they are going to start in Brooklyn and Mario and Luigi go through the pipe. Mario ends up on the Mushroom side and Luigi ends up on the Boswer side and taken hostage. I think the Princess will fight in the beginning but lose the battle. Mario will have to save her at the end to become "Super Mario". This is clearly more of an Origin story so maybe he's not Super Mario just yet. That's just my theory. I like that they are showing that she rules a Kingdom. But I don't think this a exact remake of Super Mario Bros part 1 where the Princess gets kidnap and Mario and Luigi both go and save her.

This is a movie that incorporates every single Mario including Mario Kart. I literally saw echoes of Super Mario Bros. 3, The Original Super Mario Bros and even Donkey Kong and Luigi's Mansion. Why do grown a$$ Men cry and complain about female characters? I don't feel this movie is particular made for Adults even though as an 80's baby, I did like the trailer. The fact is this movie is not for me, it's for children. I can enjoy it but I'm not the target demo. The fact that grown Adults complain and make videos about this stuff is sad in my opinion because it's not that serious. Also for the record, Peach has always been a bada$$ if you go back to "Super Mario Bros 2" that dropped in 88. I know it's before some of these people time but it's one of the most Legendary sequels in gaming History. Princess Peach was one of the hardest and strongest characters. She could fly and attack enemies just like Mario and Luigi. Toad went in too in that game. Overall we'll see how the story goes but I liked how it just incorporated so many things from all the games in the movie.


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