Sunset TV is show inside the game they will stream weekly.
Those "advanced traversal moves" sound crazy. If you can string all that together while shooting people, sliding rails, wall runing, ect.
9 more days
For some reason, the "suckset TV comment" was hilarious to me
The 90's and early 2000's Sega influence in this game.

Watch these Xbox nikkas cop that Halo garbage before this piff.

Yes, garbage Halo that is pretty much the top exclusive game on CONSOLES PERIOD

And wouldn't what you just said apply to anyone who doesn't have an xbox one.
You passed on this game to play Killzone and Knack
Or is it so you can have 100 extra "P" in battlefield 4
Did you see the other games on there way? Ori and the blind forest drops soon as well
Quantum Break, Fable, Scalebound, Crackdown 3, Halo 5, Gears of War. You already a fool if you DON'T have an XB1