This game will be really shallow I don't know why people are even trying to hype this up lol. This is like the crazy taxi version of infamous lol

Perfect description.
This game will be really shallow I don't know why people are even trying to hype this up lol. This is like the crazy taxi version of infamous lol
We all know if this was on ps4 only hed be trashing it saying it looks like a shytty version of an infamous game.
Breh you most certainly shoot in InfamousYou don't hover in sunset overdrive. You don't shoot in infamous, and plenty of games have rail sliding.
In infamous you pretty much have to stand on the ground to be effective in combat.
If all you need to do is "run around and shoot projectiles with an aim reticle" to be an infamous clone then 85% of games out are infamous clones.Breh you most certainly shoot in Infamous
Shooting from your hands or a 'videogame gun', either way it's still shooting, we still slidin around shooting projectiles with an aim reticule trying to hit enemies, cmon son
I didn't say it was a clone, I said you shoot in both.If all you need to do is "run around and shoot projectiles with an aim reticle" to be an infamous clone then 85% of games out are infamous clones.
I didn't say it was a clone, I said you shoot in both.
You said there's no shooting in infamous. I guess we'll just call it 'throwing' powers in a straight line instead.
But yea I never said it was an infamous clone breh.
LOL this is so bizarre,Not even gonna lie, this game makes me want an xbox
This looks fun. Like if I were copping an XB1 I'd cop this. Shame this isn't on PS4.LOL this is so bizarre,
For an Xbox Loyalist, this game looks absolutely trash to me. But then again, I never thought Shadow of Mordor would be good, we'll see.
It does have a 90's Nostalgia video game feel to it, which is cool. But I don't know...![]()
This looks fun. Like if I were copping an XB1 I'd cop this. Shame this isn't on PS4.I'm a little envious
Why do I want to play this suddenly?? I had absolutely zero interest in this up until just now.
Assumption number 1 is correct and number 2 more or less. It doesn't really look like Infamous to me as Infamous seems much more realistic and isn't as fast and zany as this game appears to be.
I'm going to psychoanalysis you breh...
It's either one of two reasons...
1) You truly feel like Sony has won the Console Wars, I mean, I do feel like there is ample evidence, from sales to specs to smoothness of it's launch in comparison to X1) & you are comfortable enough to give objective opinions on games from the nemesis system.
You genuinely like the game & the way it looks, however if the Console wars were still Peak Cold War level, you'd probably not be quick to express your interest in it, or maybe even you would convince yoruself you don't like it (Both sides do this, no shots)
or 2)
Which would be both genius & funny as hell...
You realize this game really does look like an Infamous knock off...& you have numerous quotables from X1 Loyalists saying disparaging things about Infamous...
& once this game drops & all of the Xbots start falling over themselves about the game..
You're going to hit us with an Etherous thread showing X1 loyalists to be the ultimate hypocrites....
Not saying any of this is true... But...I'm paying attention. lol