Batman won't be in this shyt will he
In his earliest days, he was also a ruthless killer — many of his crimes involved killing people. But when Jack Schiff became Batman’s editor, the Joker started softening, largely committing non-lethal crimes so that the comic could be marketed to children. The softening of the Joker would be fully completed in the mid 50’s with the introduction of the Comics Code Authority, banning gore and excessive violence in comic books. The Joker was no longer a killer but a thieving trickster, a much more camp and light-hearted villain to go up against the blunted, less brutal Batman.
The Joker as a character almost died out altogether — until the campy trickster incarnation was popularized by the 1966 Batman TV series, and its big screen spinoff Batman: The Movie. Played by Cesar Romero, the first ever non-comics adaptation of the Joker appeared in 19 episodes of the series, becoming its most-used villain (tied with The Penguin) and defining the campy portrayal of the character in non-comics media for decades.
The Joker, who returned after a 4 year hiatus from the comics in 1973, was reimagined to return to his roots as a ruthless serial killer who was on an equal level with Batman.
Under the wing of Neal Adams and Dennis O’Neil, The Joker was depicted not just as a killer but also fundamentally insane, and unlike earlier eras, became an infrequent villain against Batman, used sparingly to maintain his impact as the Caped Crusader’s biggest foe.
Stories such as the famous “Joker Fish” storyline emphasized his mental instability as much as his capacity to kill, and the Joker became a character to be feared, rather than mocked or easily defeated — a period of comic book history that would heavily influence adaptations of the character in later years.
Just as Batman’s tone got darker, so did the Joker, who spent the late 80’s bringing his conflict against the Batman onto a personal, violent level. 1988’s The Killing Joke was not only iconic for revealing (one of many interpretations) the Joker’s origin as a rookie criminal mutilated after falling in a vat of acid while being chased by Batman, but also for the paralysis of Barbara Gordon’s Batgirl at his hands. In the same year, the A Death In The Family storyline in the mainBatman comic saw the Joker beat Jason Todd, the second Robin — and a character not well received by the fanbase — to death with a crowbar. The Joker was no longer just a major villain to Batman, but a personal threat to his loved ones.
1989 saw the release of Tim Burton’s Batman, and Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of Jack Napier, a mobster thought killed by Batman when knocked into a vat of chemicals, but instead transformed into the Joker. Nicholson’s portrayal of the character was an amalgam of the Joker’s previous forms — visually inspired by Adams and O’Neil’s mobster redesign of the character in the early 70’s, but with a blend between the comical tricks and gadgets of the Romero Joker and the villainous, murderous streak that the comics had moved the character back to over the 70’s and 80’s. Despite initial perceived hostility in the mainstream to a dark take on the character — after all, the last live-action Batman was Adam West — Batman was a huge success, solidifying both Batman and The Joker’s portrayals as iconic interpretations of the characters for years to come.
Tim Burton’s gothic approach to Batman had a large impact on the comics, and for much of the 90’s, the Joker stayed the course — now that the insane, murderous trickster was the dominant portrayal of the character thanks to the movie, the character didn’t so much as evolve during the period rather than become a regularly appearing thorn in Batman’s side. Although not with the regularity of appearances seen in his earliest days, the Joker had returned as a regular reappearing foe for the Dark Knight.
Hamill’s sinister yet wildly humorous take on the character became iconic, and even though it was heavily inspired by Nicholson’s portrayal of the Joker, ultimately became the de facto interpretation of the character in the eyes of the mainstream public,
As the popularity of the Batman movies faded from public consciousness again (aided by the underperforming Batman & Robin and Batman Forever), the Nicholson-esque Joker portrayal gave way to a Joker that was less of a criminal villain and more of personal nemesis for Batman — the Joker became obsessed with proving either Batman’s similarity to himself, or pushing the character in an attempt to break him mentally.
Befitting the more serious tone of Christopher Nolan’s films, Ledger’s Joker maintained the insanity that had defined the character for so long but cut much of the humour found in the Hamill Joker (or even in Nicholson’s), becoming a psychopathic killer desperate to destroy the Batman.
After an interesting few days we were lucky enough to stumble upon the set and base camp of Warner Bros’ Suicide Squad in Toronto, Ontario. The cast and crew were filming at Hy’s Steakhouse between Sunday April 26th and Monday April 27th. Several rumours were confirmed, some were denied, and some inside information was given to us from a reliable source close to the production. More information on the Joker has been given, and a surprise character has been revealed to us!
Let’s start with the confirmed information:
The production crew has done a very good job of keeping Jared Leto’s appearance under wraps, literally. We have been informed that this is because his character will look slightly different from the images released previously. It has been confirmed to us that the Joker will be tattoo free, despite being covered in distinct markings in the character reveal photo.
Recently rumours have been swirling around the internet of a white suit for the Joker, instead of the typical purple blazer and trousers we are used to seeing in adaptations of the character. This was confirmed to us by a crew member and spotted on set being wheeled around. This may be different from the most popular version of the Joker’s costume design, this is not the first time we have seen the white suit.
Many rumours of Ben Affleck, Will Smith, and the rest of the ensemble cast filming in Toronto have been going around. The actors that we can confirm are Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, and Viola Davis. Our inside source also revealed to us that Harley will be missing her mallet but donning her crop top instead of her corset for the role. It sounds like she is going for comfort and practicality over straight forward sex appeal. Viola Davis was on set early this morning, and was nice enough to give fans a wave while driving to film her scenes.
It looks like Toronto is not the only Canadian location for the production. According to our source Will Smith and Jared Leto were filming in Mississauga, Ontario earlier this weekend. Whether or not the other cast members were present has yet to be confirmed. There has not been any plot reveals for the film, so the significance behind the on-location filming is also unknown.
Time for the big reveal!
According to our source, there has been another addition to the cast that has yet to be officially released by Warner Bros. The new character is none other than Killer Frost being played by an undisclosed actress. This is huge news considering there has not even been so much as a hint at this addition. The fact that the character has been added doesn’t totally take us by surprise though, considering she has been a well known member of the Suicide Squad over the years.
Another rumour buzzing around has been a cameo appearance of the Batman. Ben Affleck was spotted in Toronto over the past week, thus fuelling the theory that he is in fact making an appearance. Whether this is as the Batman or as Bruce Wayne has yet to be confirmed, but it is likely to be as the Caped Crusader.
A source close to the home base revealed to us that the cast and crew will be returning next weekend (Saturday May 2nd) and have reserved lot space for the rest of the month. Some hinted at space being reserved up until August, but this would likely be for last minute reshoots. We will keep you up to date on any further information.
Here is a clip of Jared Leto leaving a hair and make up trailer, covering his true character look
‘Twilight’ Actor Joins ‘Suicide Squad’
Alex Meraz has joined the cast of Warner Bros. and DC’s “Suicide Squad.”
Pic is currently in production in Toronto and stars Will Smith, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto.
David Ayer is directing the pic. Meraz’s role is unknown.
Besides “Twilight,” Meraz’s roles include appearing opposite Jamie Dornan in the British miniseries “New Worlds.”
He is repped by Leverage Management and Innovate Artists.
this shyt will be better than avengers