I agree with that,trying to have the dark/realistic tone has set them back a little bit....I think they have been trying to do it slowly so it wouldn't be such a shock to the system

....but end of the day you said those films were brilliant and that's the point....as of right now that's the comparison they gotta live with that,before the Nolan batman movies they had to live up to the previous batman movies and the cartoon
I'll give Wan a chance,Affect was pretty good as Batman but he was no Bale let's be clear....Bales only weakness is that he never had a fight scene like the one in BVS as Batman....that was probaly the best part about Affect as Batman.....the new Alfred we all agree ain't touchin the last Alfeed either
All they gotta do is make one brilliant movie and I will forget all these things,it's up to them to make us stop comparin....and trash this Leto asap...first Lex Luther is some young emo punk,now the Joker is too?what the he'll they trying to do here
