So would you tell Daniel-Day Lewis he's not a good actor?
Method acting exists because if you're going to assume a role that is on some far end of the spectrum away from how you are in real life you can't just hop in and out of it and expect it to be convincing on-screen. Pacino, Nicholson, Hoffman, Brando, down to modern actors like Leto and Bale all do it to varying levels. More extreme the character, more extreme the commitment.
Someone really brought up Sam Jackson?The man is the same in every movie, he's ALWAYS in character
Daniel-Day would be a cool first name.
But to answer your question. No I wouldn't I tell Day-Lewis he's not a good actor because he's a very fine actor. He could probably pull off these roles without it.
I mean look at the history of the art of acting and all the roles on the far end of the spectrum that people pull off all the time without it.
Like I said, to each his own.