Suicide rate among African-American boys on the rise – study

Made Myself A Boss

Sep 8, 2014
dMv/ JA
I almost committed suicide last year. I'm still here tho cuz I believe in God. My plan was to OD on pills.

Tried it with a rope....ultimately couldn't kick the chair and go through with it :mjcry:

If yall ever feel like this again make sure message a nikka.

Edit : And that goes for anybody else feeling like hurting yourself is the only option.
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Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
1993 to 2012...... The out of wedlock birth rate within the African American population grew during that time as well right?

The influx of swirling and promotion of homosexual, and thug cultures probably have done more damage to an already emasculated, fragile and disenfranchised group of young males being born parents without a marriage certificate. Functional, loving, and financially stable homes are more important. Also having a sense of pride and identity prevents people from harming themselves. I come from 4 gens of a nuclear black fam and with legit buppy friends and dudes are the most delusional and craziest mofos. Youd think they had been raised with Ray Ray, Pookie and Earl. When the degrees and White women werent enough to navigate through this regime they turn to drugs and other methods, some permanent to cope.


Aug 16, 2014
This thread is pure comedy.... Black folks ain't gonna be shyt until we are extinct. It's such a shame too because we are so great.


All Star
Jul 16, 2014
Under 4 suicides for every million aged 5-11 is nothing. That's not even 20 black children. Little kids are the least likely to be suicidal.. and blacks, although in hell for the most part, are least likely to commit suicide.. I honestly don't even know why this research is being done. Someone pull up the stats for teenagers and young adults and get back to me. Be sensationalist, brehs.
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Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
Look at what were born into. I dont want to go into the history we all know, except to say that a lot of us dont even really understand the history. All a lot of us see is how hard this shyt is for us. Racism and modern feminism form a two pronged attack telling us we are worthless animals. A lot of us dont have any blueprint to follow to be successful at all.

When your place on earth is this against you, its hard to view nothing as a terrible alternative. At least there is peace in death. From behind a computer screen I am willing to admit that I have tried and failed to kill myself. And more than once. Because the deck is stacked against us.

But, I swear by my life and my love of it that I will not live for another man's happiness. Racism and feminism (which is basically synonymous with modern PC liberalism) are just another challenge. We will overcome just as we lifted humanity from the level of the beast to create civilization. WE created civilization but in this world, where until 60 years ago we couldnt even meet in groups legally - we will need to carve out a piece of what our ancestors built, but for OURSELVES, at the individual level.

We can make this world what we want it to be for us. But only if we embrace the fact that we can have greatness here despite the challenges. First, lets give up this idea that someone else (when we say somehow, we mean someone) will do anything for us on the individual level. We need to give up the idea that we got unlucky to be born with the state's bullseye on our heads. We need to give up the idea of chance and take what we built back.

I wake up in the morning and the african inside me reminds me of one thing only:

"You are not a lottery ticket."

Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
Feminism is making black maled kill themselves.

which is basically synonymous with modern PC liberalism

The whole point of the modern hipster/feminist/PC/liberal movement is to tell you that your life is worthless as an individual.

But youre an anti black family hack. Get out of here.
Jun 8, 2012
I almost committed suicide last year. I'm still here tho cuz I believe in God. My plan was to OD on pills.

Tried it with a rope....ultimately couldn't kick the chair and go through with it :mjcry:
Been there...done that. I couldn't go through with it because of my family and how much I'd miss them and they'd miss me if I wen't through with it.

Learning to love life again and appreciate I was my own worst enemy and best friend.
Aren't you suicidal? Get the fukk out of here. :camby:
Honestly, we need to build each other up more instead of break each other down. Imagine how many of the black men and women that went through with suicide successfully would still be here if they had someone to talk to? Instead of feeling like they would just be ignored, ridiculed, and seen as "weak" for letting things like depression, anxiety, and the trials and tribulations of this existence on this planet get to them. WE all can't be some superman or superwoman.

My thing's best they hear it from someone they can ultimately relate to...that looks like them...instead of hearing empty platitudes from someone that's not black that doesn't know what it's like that simply cannot relate to them or their struggles.
Anywhoodles, these kids don't have fathers in the household, terrible communities, diminishing college and career prospects, they don't get any respect or care from society (increasingly not even by their own women) and the crushing weight of white supremacy all over them. Who wants to live in that crap sack world? Black people are living in a dystopian society.
I couldn't agree more. We're living in the matrix...we're living in some sci-fi novel that even Bradbury, Lovecraft, or Vonnegut couldn't even conceive from their own minds.
Black men are just weak, we are a disgraceful group... Now we are becoming bytch asses to add to the growing things that are wrong with us.
This post deserves NO daps...and that's part of the problem.

Black people on this board saying the most...disheartening and disabling things and disguising it as "tough love", "self help", or "black empowerment".

Anyways...if anybody needs someone to talk to...I'm here. My PM box is not far away.

Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
I am More problack than all you males put together. Most of the guys here are not problack but self serving. As for what I said earlier I was mocking. Feminism aint the one killing you in the streets.

What the hell is wrong with you?

I am 10000000 percent self serving. Who cares? Im not dying in the streets. The only time I interact with cops is when they say 'good morning sir' on the way into work.

I dont believe in gender so your and the rest of the 2014 gender war feminists are just a subset of the general 'c00n' population.

J Money

No weapon formed against me shall prosper
May 19, 2014
Jun 8, 2012
yup, this place is hell for black men that dont rap or play sports....
This is another thing I was about to touch on as I was eating breakfast this morning while scrolling through this thread on my phone.

There isn't much for young black men to relate to in Western society other than...sports and entertainment.

Believe it or not...there is a segment of the young black male population that just simply can't relate to rap or sports.:ohhh::dwillhuh:Imagine that.

Going back to @Always-Right Liggins and his analogy of the black experience in the Western world as akin to a science fiction novel or a dystopian society...

Other than in places like NYC, LA, Atlanta, and not that many other places here in America, you just see the experience in this country as a black man or woman as living in an environment not made for you. Living in areas where you're constantly outnumbered by white people and rarely or seldom see people like you on a daily basis. Engaging in daily activities with the same people that aren't like you. Taking in media designed by white people for white people...and I guess as black folks we're just supposed to either not watch it or just enjoy it as entertainment cause I can't relate to it or live vicariously through the experiences of people that live a different life than me. We have to buy seperate types of products for our hair and most major retailers in America don't even have a black haircare section or a Sally Beauty supply. It's like navigating a maze or a game that designed for you to lose by default because you aren't a "default" player.

  • The average white male can watch movies or TV...and see characters that look like him, walk like him, talk like him. He can dress up as Spider Man, he can dress up as Super Man, he can be James Bond, he can be Walter White, he can be Gordon Gecko.
  • The average white male has no trouble finding women, cause women of his race are literally...EVERYWHERE. Shyt...if I was a white male, I'd be chatting up women left and right on a daily basis!
  • The average white male can get hired damn near anywhere cause most of the businesses are run by people that look like him, his mother, his father, his brothers, his sisters, and his friends.

Therefore, the average white male can feel...empowered...and therefore feel...SUPERIOR. That's how white supremacy works (one of the ways it does) needs it's participants to feel supreme to others.

This is NOT the reality for the average black male.

The reality for the average black male is:
  • Unemployment
  • Poverty
  • Racism
  • Prejudice
  • Discrimination
  • Police brutality
  • Racial profiling
  • Surrounded by crime, gangs, jail...
  • Fatherlessness (over 70% of black people in America are raised with a single parent in the household)
  • Unable to have the funds to attend college...which is viewed as a neccessity, but priced as a luxury, as a stepping stone to economic independence and "making it" in this country.
  • Eons of conditioning that views anything black as...lesser than...inferior...ugly...dangerous...violent...irresponsible..and any other negative term you can conjure.

you see this larger society in front of you...that's considered the American society...that's touted as a melting pot that anybody can enter and participate in...but the reality of it is it's not for anyone and it's exclusive especially to those people of color...especially to black folks.
  • Black people are less likely to be helped by police and more likely to be HURT or even KILLED by police.
  • Black people are paid the LEAST out of any any profession.
  • Black people are most likely to be FIRED...than HIRED.
  • Black people are living in an environment that's essentially a lie.

This takes a toll on the mind and eventually suicide becomes an option...which is sad. Race & suicide might possibly be the most uncomfortable topic that's EVER discussed.
  • Because people don't want to admit that racism exists (welll, white people anyways cause they benefit from it)...and both black people and white people would ever want to admit that white racism could lead some of our men and women to committing that...
  • Because people don't want to admit that racism could eventually lead to feelings of self-hate, depression, and other characteristics (little boys and girls asking their moms and/or daddys if they could do anything to "rub the black off of them" in order to be seen as white, light skinnned aka acceptable in a white supremacist society that judges people harshly based on race and skin color)...and other things.

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World Class SuperVillain
Feb 22, 2014
I think the divide of the sexes is more entrenched in some black men than I thought. I need to step away from this site from time to time because I am losing empathy for black men and I am beginning to detest them.
:umad: i can firmly tell you nikkas on this site probably feel the same way about you

me personally, i'm very meh about some of this:ld: