Successful woman seeks supportive boyfriend: an impossibility

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
OK because my boy is 5'6 and he is brolic and refuses to drive anything but a large SUV. From time to time, he says women are suprised by his height when he hops out of the truck. He claims he doesn't care but keeps bringing up a bone stretching procedure in China or some sh1t. Completely off topic but I just thought I would ask... Seems like you genuinely dont' give a sh1t about your height.

Growing up I was never called short nor tall. I was always in the middle and I never got complaints, so it never came to me that I was considered short until online dating sites and folks on here. Kinda my fault since I always thought we stop growing at 16 and I was 5'7 then. Until ;Like 2 months ago i found out i grew 2 inches.


Jul 14, 2013
I would like to add that women who make alot of moneyand claim they can't find a man that is as successul as them are ignoring the fact that it's most likely them. If you are TRULY successful, you work, live, and play amongst equally successful people and there are alot of single men everywhere. What is it about you that scares away men on your level?

Now, there are a certain group of women that think just because they have a college degree that automatically makes them successful and that's simply not true. I'm sorry but just because you went and got a degree and now work as an administrative assistant, nurse or a teacher... I'm sorry and I hate to break it to you but you aren't that MUCH better off than a man that works at a warehouse making $18/hour and he actually has the potential to make more money than you if he works a couple extra hours a day and in that time, you can be preparing a meal and cleaning up the damn house but they skip right over them.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
This is how I feel on the matter.

I am currently in the military and married. I've known my wife since High School, been married for a year and a half. The past year and a half of this marriage I've pretty much single-handedly taken care of everything, the bills, the rent, car insurance, etc. while my wife finished up her bachelors, now she's trying to get into law school and I've supported her in doing that, my only stipulation was that she has to work a part time job. I didn't give a fukk WHAT the job was as long she worked at least 15-20 hours a week, the rest of her time could be studying for the LSAT. While I was deployed I saved up $10,000 (in six months) for savings to use in emergencies and to help us on account of I'm getting out the military soon and I wanted a cushion for the transition back into civilian life.

So having done all this, been a responsible husband and provider, when it comes time for my wife to take the bar and become a lawyer, I'm quite sure she'll be making more than me at some point in our lives. Is that supposed to make me feel insecure or any less of a man?:heh: HELL NO because both of us know and understand that without my sacrifice, hard work, and dedication she wouldn't be in the position to better herself or move on with her education in the manner that she is now, so to hell with all that "she makes more than me so that makes me feel insecure" garbage, because at the end of the day I handle mines and she is fully aware and appreciative of that
Mar 23, 2013
This is not true. Females of all races have more college degrees than the men. Its much easier for a man to get a decent job w/o a college degree than a woman.

I don't believe that is true and I will do my research to find out the correct information. The point is that we have the only group of women WHO no longer have to go threw the Black man to get what she needs. There is welfare , food stamps , section A, and I believe they get help when trying to go to college if they have a kid. The governments agenda when it pertains to black women is different from the agenda that they have for black men. Trust me white society or our government don't care about the science of the black family. And I know somebody going say that other ethic groups of women are on the same government assistants. While this true I have talk to a lot of latins family and whites and they don't use the system to get back at the men(as much as we do in our communities) . Latin/ Spanish are close but a lot of them is very family orientated from what Ive seen and even talked with and thats why you'll see a lot of them living together and trying to make things work...I don't see much of this wit our people but what I do see is us hating on each other wither male or female. Sometimes I believe that the black women is more on the side of what going to help her and only her its easy to side with the white social system. And in turn that's has a lot of black women thinking ..WHAT ARE BLACK ME GOOD FOR ANY WAY ...?! beside the obvious I feel like black men need to start focusing on how to be a better man and leader and not how to be DA MAN its a big difference.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Playing devil's advocate, mist brothers are not making more than sisters. It's not that we bums, it's just that their are less job opportunities for us. That's why it's best to delve into some type of investing(real estate, stocks, business), because it's retarded to rely solely of the job game to advance you economically.
This is how I feel on the matter.

I am currently in the military and married. I've known my wife since High School, been married for a year and a half. The past year and a half of this marriage I've pretty much single-handedly taken care of everything, the bills, the rent, car insurance, etc. while my wife finished up her bachelors, now she's trying to get into law school and I've supported her in doing that, my only stipulation was that she has to work a part time job. I didn't give a fukk WHAT the job was as long she worked at least 15-20 hours a week, the rest of her time could be studying for the LSAT. While I was deployed I saved up $10,000 (in six months) for savings to use in emergencies and to help us on account of I'm getting out the military soon and I wanted a cushion for the transition back into civilian life.

So having done all this, been a responsible husband and provider, when it comes time for my wife to take the bar and become a lawyer, I'm quite sure she'll be making more than me at some point in our lives. Is that supposed to make me feel insecure or any less of a man?:heh: HELL NO because both of us know and understand that without my sacrifice, hard work, and dedication she wouldn't be in the position to better herself or move on with her education in the manner that she is now, so to hell with all that "she makes more than me so that makes me feel insecure" garbage, because at the end of the day I handle mines and she is fully aware and appreciative of that


of course not breh you should be happy, but the thing is women do not think like men do and that's the issue here.

its good you got a good appreciative wife, who won't try to upgrade when she becomes a lawyer and will think of all the sacrifices you did for her


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Outside of maybe being Native, there's no lower status in North American than being a Black Male... and even then the Natives don't have to pay taxes :manny:

pretty much, go to any college or university even in toronto and the black females out number males like 5 to 1

go to any corporate building same thing

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
I don't believe that is true and I will do my research to find out the correct information. The point is that we have the only group of women WHO no longer have to go threw the Black man to get what she needs. There is welfare , food stamps , section A, and I believe they get help when trying to go to college if they have a kid. The governments agenda when it pertains to black women is different from the agenda that they have for black men. Trust me white society or our government don't care about the science of the black family. And I know somebody going say that other ethic groups of women are on the same government assistants. While this true I have talk to a lot of latins family and whites and they don't use the system to get back at the men(as much as we do in our communities) . Latin/ Spanish are close but a lot of them is very family orientated from what Ive seen and even talked with and thats why you'll see a lot of them living together and trying to make things work...I don't see much of this wit our people but what I do see is us hating on each other wither male or female. Sometimes I believe that the black women is more on the side of what going to help her and only her its easy to side with the white social system. And in turn that's has a lot of black women thinking ..WHAT ARE BLACK ME GOOD FOR ANY WAY ...?! beside the obvious I feel like black men need to start focusing on how to be a better man and leader and not how to be DA MAN its a big difference.
This is all very true but how can one be a leader when their are no examples given to him? These boys out here, half of em have no relationship with their father. Hell, some of em are even lucky enough to know who their father is and have some kind of relationship with him. And to take it a step further, some people don't even have a real relationship with ANY PARENT. Alot of these kids are out here living with Granny and Great Granny (and Gandpa if he's still living).


All Star
Jun 2, 2012
My ex had a problem with me making more than him..he was struggling working 2 part time jobs and when I found my first full time salary gig, maaan...all I heard was how "women are taking over" and "women only get good jobs because of how they look" He was bitter about other things in his life so me making more, made him feel like less of a man...even when I never ever made him feel that way...I mean, I see how it can be/is harder for a black man, but don't take it out on me :birdman:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
My ex had a problem with me making more than him..he was struggling working 2 part time jobs and when I found my first full time salary gig, maaan...all I heard was how "women are taking over" and "women only get good jobs because of how they look" He was bitter about other things in his life so me making more, made him feel like less of a man...even when I never ever made him feel that way...I mean, I see how it can be/is harder for a black man, but don't take it out on me :birdman:

part of is true, an attractive women even if her education isnt that great can get a nice paying gig as a assistant or secretary. example an ex of mine education was meagre as hell, resume was sloppy as hell but because she went to the office to hand it in and she's very attractive she got a interview and she got the job.

even a black man with education will be sol alot of times, example from that same ex I dated, her company had two openings for jobs , she was told by her boss to make sure none of the interviewers were black.

black men have it harder than anyone out there due to bs stereotypes