Forgive me for yet another KnickFam monologue...
Amar'e Stoudemire is almost like the main protagonist in a Greek Tragedy. I mean, his fall from physical grace is really saddening. Even though the argument can be had that Stat came here because we offered him the money, there is no question about his work ethic.
Every chance he had to play, he gave 100%. As his legs disintegrated before our eyes from the stands and our tvs, we saw the will and work ethic of a warrior in every dunk, every shot, every attempt and every limp. As ice padded his knees, ice chilled the hearts of the press and of fair-weather fans, for the vultures that circle around the skies of the basketball court don't see a dying man with the beating heart of a champion, they saw just a dying man with a fainting career heart beat.
Yet, would it be any other way? Since the year of 1973, the City of New York starved of the ultimate victory. Our throats parched , literally from the HEAT and atmosphere, it has always been "what if" for the Knicks family. Ironically for the last what if for this current generation of Knicks, we do know the answer to the question, "what if" the Knickerbockers make it to the Final stage against the best West Coast team in a 7 game war. The answer, as if he'd be possessed by the spirit of Willis Reed, we know Stoudemire would take no qualms with completely destroying his body until he couldn't walk just to provide that one point to push us over the edge.
And for that "What if", we thank you, I thank you."