You’ll have the usual Biden c00ns run in here with the juelz to protect massa
They’ll be copy pasting tweets/articles about a bunch meaningless symbolic gestures he’s done so far
when he won it was comical and I assumed they’d keep hiding his demented ass in the basement and let humans with functioning brains make the actual decisions
unfortunately I was wrong
and Kamala talks like she’s 3 bottles of wine deep and can’t get through a sentence without breaking into that demonic cackle
I never thought I’d say this but the only dem I’d be comfortable with in office right now is Hillary she at least came off as having some semblance of competence
He is just as dumb and incompetent as Trump, he is just a more polished politican and knows to keep low. - Hell no. Helllllll no.
He is bungling covid just as bad as Trump. How? The biggest issue now is really those that have chosen not to get vaccinated. They have that right. The vaccination plan rolled out pretty well. What would you like to have seen done differently?
Afghanistan was one of the most embarrassing moment for America on a global stage. You can't put that on Biden. We been there TWENTY YEARS. What was the plan? There were essentially two options. Stay there and keep that Taliban at bay, at the cost of American soldier lives and a price tag that is at $2 TRILLION. Other option was to leave and cut the losses. There really was no in between. If the Afgan government wasn't prepared to step in after TWENTY YEARS then they never would have been.
He is also a racist, I haven't forget his stop Asian hate crime bill. And crime bill 2.0 will be coming by the end of 2022.Granted I do not know the purpose of the Asian Hate Bill. I'm not concerned about a new crime bill. Biden knows he fukked up back in the 90's. Where did you hear that there was a new crime bill coming anyway?
One of the defenses of the Afghanistan pull out is “Trump made the deal “Lowkey, he's going forward with a lot of Trump's original plans.
Like that Infrastructure Plan was originally Trumps idea. Now all of a sudden they got money to do it.