Streamers getting put on that summer jam screen


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
i ain't DMing you 2 in the fukking moring or DMing you what she did.

What you posted is far different from what she posted.
Again, that’s what you are supposed to do.

Ive done the same thing. You send a follow up, one to confirm you got the right information. Two to make sure you and they remember the encounter.

Her comments were a clear reference to their encounter, again that’s what you are supposed to do, reference something about the encounter to make it and yourself stand out. In this case it was her 80s outfit.

Again normal behavior. But you creeps wanna turn that into propositioning sex cause it’s a female doing it.:smh:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
So whats the point? nothing he did was criminal, you can't go around claiming shyt and not standing on it when it affects peoples pockets. If he really did something wrong she would fight this tooth and nail like other victims of sexual abuse do.
The point was to talk about creep behavior and warn other people who might interact with him.

She never said she doesn’t stand on her claims. Which again were never accusations of any criminal activity.

There’s nothing to fight tooth and nail for. She never claimed to be sexually abused.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
The point was to talk about creep behavior and warn other people who might interact with him.

She never said she doesn’t stand on her claims. Which again were never accusations of any criminal activity.

There’s nothing to fight tooth and nail for. She never claimed to be sexually abused.

I'll be honest, I don't get your angle. So nothing wrong happened, she renigged her claims, breh said nothing weird happened (can't believe the man I guess) and yet youre still in this ladies corner. Sure, he may be Jeffrey Dahmer reincarnated but this shows little to prove hes anything more than an awkward mexicac, but was anyone surprised that a dude who screams about videogames is? Now you saying were creeps too because we don't see the terrible nature of their interactions? LOL

make it make sense


The Return
Top Supporter
May 27, 2012
The year 3030
I send follow ups too, but I ain't sending them early in the morning, nor am I telling you I was dressed to impress. She could have Said,

Hey Joe I'm Ashley, I was in the 80's gear. I enjoyed your panel, and we talked about xyz a bit. I was wondering if we could talk more about it? I'm interested in learning more

i agreed with you before, he nor anyone should be expecting sex from some meet ups or DM's but don't act like she's a victim of anything...she really isn't. She tried to game him, he tried to shoot his shot, cause he thought she was a single chick.

it's more in line of a bad date/match up than some metoo victim shyt.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'll be honest, I don't get your angle. So nothing wrong happened, she renigged her claims, breh said nothing weird happened (can't believe the man I guess) and yet youre still in this ladies corner. Sure, he may be Jeffrey Dahmer reincarnated but this shows little to prove hes anything more than an awkward mexicac, but was anyone surprised that a dude who screams about videogames is? Now you saying were creeps too because we don't see the terrible nature of their interactions? LOL

make it make sense
A crime doesn’t have to be committed for something “wrong” to have happened.

She didn’t renege anything.

he didn’t say “nothing weird happened” he denied individual aspects of the story and the overall idea that it made him a creep.

Im calling you a creep because you see nothing wrong with, and are seemingly encouraging creep behavior.


Dec 15, 2019
Your playing dumb game is getting old.

You acting like Joe here, pretending you don’t know what’s going on:comeon:
There is an African proverb that states “you cannot feed a closed mouth ”. Like I said before, I admit than I am ignorant on this matter:flabbynsick: and am borderline dumb. I was told by a better man that the first step is to seek knowledge. That is what I’m seeking here. What’s wrong with an open mind?

I’d love to see where Joe went wrong. It might literally save the lives of coliBrehs. And your arguements thus far were the most compelling in this thread.:yeshrug: I just didn’t quite get your message on Joe’s intentions in relation to the woman in the txt. How could Joe have remedied the situation earlier? Was his compliment of her body (instead of her intellect or oratory skill ) not enough to transition them to a personal relationship?

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
no PAX is a con. Anyone can attend PAX.

The stuff later that night she talks about, that he ends up taking her to, yeah those are strictly YT shyt, that normal peeps can't attend.

make up? She admits herself she didn't know who Joe was or watch his content. And if I'm networking on some actual trying to network, I ain't DMing you at 2 in the morning on some cutesy shyt. I'll actually try to network you at your panel (in joe's case) or shyt ask questions during a Q&A. She went out of her way to message Joe.

I ain't victim blaming cause there ain't no victims in this shyt.
Besides that what woman looking to just network WILLINGLY goes to a hotel room with two dudes she doesn't know and never tells them she's in a relationship?:dahell:

What part of that decision making can be considered normal behavior for a woman in a relationship?

In my single days, I have NEVER taken a woman to my room to "talk and network", NO ONE does that...Every grown ass person knows what taking things to the hotel room means...You want to talk and network? call me in the morning...That's how normal people looking to "talk and network" conduct business...

She could of said no thanks, I'll wait in the lobby for you...She could of exit the room when dude went to go take a shower...He never forced her to do anything...So why stay and continue to lead him on thinking you're a single woman playing hard to get if you're not interested in his contacts like she claimed?:rudy:

Tyrone Magnus girl summed this up best...



May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I send follow ups too, but I ain't sending them early in the morning, nor am I telling you I was dressed to impress. She could have Said,

Hey Joe I'm Ashley, I was in the 80's gear. I enjoyed your panel, and we talked about xyz a bit. I was wondering if we could talk more about it? I'm interested in learning more
You can split hairs and try to turn what she said into a negative, but it was normal behavior. Reading the text it seems “dress to impress” was something Joe or her said during the encounter. So she repeated it in order to build and continue their rapport.

i agreed with you before, he nor anyone should be expecting sex from some meet ups or DM's but don't act like she's a victim of anything...she really isn't. She tried to game him, he tried to shoot his shot, cause he thought she was a single chick.

it's more in line of a bad date/match up than some metoo victim shyt.
Again. How is networking “gaming” him?

Like i said, you are turning normal behavior into some type of negative to try to defend dudes behavior.

This is the type of stuff that leads to “me too” stuff.

Why did Harvey Weinstein get away with his shyt for so long?

The victims felt they had to allow it to further their careers and they knew that if they spoke out, they’d get attacked from all sides and probably lose their opportunities in the industry.

This is the same type of predatory behavior albeit on a much smaller scale. You give me sex to get where you want to be in the industry.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
A crime doesn’t have to be committed for something “wrong” to have happened.

She didn’t renege anything.

he didn’t say “nothing weird happened” he denied individual aspects of the story and the overall idea that it made him a creep.

Im calling you a creep because you see nothing wrong with, and are seemingly encouraging creep behavior.

Breh I'm a male esthetician (99% of my co workers and clients were women) worked in spas, waxing studios, counters...I also pull a lot of women. I have never been called a creep in my life but some random on the internet is going to because I don't find this situation appalling :pachaha: get in tune with reality ahch. Never mind I actually have been in the nerd culture (FGC) scene for over half my life at this point. I know how this shyt goes as I've seen it multiple times.

creep behavior would be she refuses his advances so tries to blackball her. Or threatens her, stalks her, gossips about her. whips his dikk out. You get it. To my knowledge none of that happened. You wilding wildin wildin in here

what you really alluding to is that lack of mouthpiece and or attraction means your creepy. But I don't think you will concede that point because your whole argument in here falls to pieces but the real can see through the shenanigans you on.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
There is an African proverb that states “you cannot feed a closed mouth ”. Like I said before, I admit than I am ignorant on this matter:flabbynsick: and am borderline dumb. I was told by a better man that the first step is to seek knowledge. That is what I’m seeking here. What’s wrong with an open mind?

I’d love to see where Joe went wrong. It might literally save the lives of coliBrehs. And your arguements thus far were the most compelling in this thread.:yeshrug: I just didn’t quite get your message on Joe’s intentions in relation to the woman in the txt. How could Joe have remedied the situation earlier? Was his compliment of her body (instead of her intellect or oratory skill ) not enough to transition them to a personal relationship?
I’m literally telling you where he went wrong and you keep coming back with these dumb ass questions.

He went wrong by pretending it was all business while putting her in compromising positions.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Breh I'm a male esthetician (99% of my co workers and clients were women) worked in spas, waxing studios, counters...I also pull a lot of women. I have never been called a creep in my life but some random on the internet is going to because I don't find this situation appalling :pachaha: get in tune with reality ahch. Never mind I actually have been in the nerd culture (FGC) scene for over half my life at this point. I know how this shyt goes as I've seen it multiple times.

creep behavior would be she refuses his advances so tries to blackball her. Or threatens her, stalks her, gossips about her. whips his dikk out. You get it. To my knowledge none of that happened. You wilding wildin wildin in here

what you really alluding to is that lack of mouthpiece and or attraction means your creepy. But I don't think you will concede that point because your whole argument in here falls to pieces but the real can see through the shenanigans you on.
Don’t really give a fukk about what you do. I don’t know you.

You are here defending creep behavior.

That’s all I know:manny:

He did try to blackball her. After she turned him down. He tried to say she was “just using him” as if she had ever offered him anything outside of business connections.

And that’s the same narrative y’all running with here. :comeon:

That’s called retaliation and is a clear and common tactic of creeps.

You don’t have to stalk or pull your dikk out in order to be a creep, although he did “invite” her to the shower. And you are forgetting the part where he introduced her as “his girl” to the YouTube people.

So here’s a guy who took a presumptive business partner to his hotel room and invited her into the shower with him.

Introduced her to other businesses partners as “his girl”

And then flipped on her when she continually made it clear she was only there for business.

And this is the guy y’all want to defend??? :dahell:

Y’all take all of that creep shyt and try to justify/defend it cause she said “ I was dressed to impres”

And you don’t see a problem here :what:

I don’t even know what else to say at this point, but i understand why there’s so many Creepy Joes out there.

Y’all nasty :scust:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
And just to address this dumb shyt

lack of mouthpiece and or attraction means your creepy.
No. Lack of mouthpiece is not lying about intentions and putting people in awkward positions to try to influence them into sex with you.

Had he ever actual said “hey I want to explore a romantic relationship with you” in any way as awkward as possible it would be different.

He did not. He basically tried to trick her into sex then used her for clout, then turned on her when she wasn’t with the shyts.

That’s about a creep shyt as you can get


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
Your whole aura clownish fam.

She was using him btw. Breh has millions of subs and clout in that fu fu ass industry, she had 0.02 as much. If she wasn't attempting to use him to improve her channel then what was it? "nETworKINg" she had far far far more to gain than him on that side.

You trying to cape for her but if you really had faith in women like you perceive you do you would want them to be cognizant and aware enough to navigate these maybe maybe not creepy situations instead of babying them like nothing is their fault. Its condescending, you infer this lady is too dumb to speak up or excuse herself from the big badddddd angry joe. fukk out of here. No, is a one syllable word breh. Has a pretty cut and dry definition. Even infants know how to employ it and she doesn't?

You speak from the perspective of a dude with negative game (like angry hoe) who lucked up into any woman willing to give him time. Brehs shoot they shot every day b, your shot missing doesn't make you a creep unless you do some blatant nefarious shyt. You telling some random chick on the street hey baby and Brad Pitt doing it will illicit completely different reactions, as that creep siht for the most part is perception. You know this but youre acting obtuse. IMO like I said true creeper behavior is overt demonic bullshyt, not "hey your cute, I'm going to awkwardly try to hit on you". Thats being a lame which is different and has a far less negative connotation.

But at the end of the day I'm in here arguing with the finer dealings of women with a nikka that worships a game company so whose the real goofy :snoop:
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The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
There is an African proverb that states “you cannot feed a closed mouth ”. Like I said before, I admit than I am ignorant on this matter:flabbynsick: and am borderline dumb. I was told by a better man that the first step is to seek knowledge. That is what I’m seeking here. What’s wrong with an open mind?

I’d love to see where Joe went wrong. It might literally save the lives of coliBrehs. And your arguements thus far were the most compelling in this thread.:yeshrug: I just didn’t quite get your message on Joe’s intentions in relation to the woman in the txt. How could Joe have remedied the situation earlier? Was his compliment of her body (instead of her intellect or oratory skill ) not enough to transition them to a personal relationship?
The dude ain't do nothing wrong, until the bar when he realized what it was and became creepy controlling...

Up until the bar the most you could charge him with is being a cheesy nerd with no game...If son did use the old "I think I forgot my phone can you call me quick" to get her number that's proof of his lack of game...I had no idea this move was still a thing btw, that's old school no game nikka shyt and most woman would just put that number on ignore...Its not that big of a deal, its definitely not predatory behavior...Cheesy and a lack of game does not in any way make a man a sexual predator...

Her actions to me for those contacts are far more troubling than his...Literally all this shyt could of been avoided if she said four words...I have a boyfriend...

If my wife sober and willing went to the hotel room of any man she ain't related to...She'd be an unmarried single woman again and I wouldn't need to explain why to her...


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
You're whole aura clownish fam.

She was using him btw. Breh has millions of subs and clout in that fu fu ass industry, she had 0.02 as much. If she wasn't attempting to use him to improve her channel then what was it?
Again it’s called networking. That’s LITERALLY the point of having these conferences. He understood that, which is why he pretended to keep it business throughout their encounter.

“Networking” only turned to “using” when she turned down sex.

So what he and you are arguing is that Networking can and should be a transactional agreement based on a physical relationship.

And you don’t see why that’s problematic?

You trying to cape for her but if you really had faith in women like you perceive you do you would want them to be cognizant and aware enough to navigate these maybe maybe not creepy situations instead of babying them like nothing is their fault. Its condescending, you infer this lady is too dumb to speak up or excuse herself from the big badddddd angry joe. fukk out of here. No, is a one syllable word breh. Has a pretty cut and dry definition. Even infants know how to employ it and she doesn't?
I’m capeing for all women against the culture that makes stuff like this ok and defensible. It’s not. Nothing she did that night justified Joes behavior.

If you read my earlier posts I said this is a teachable moment for both sides. She said as much herself. She should have removed herself way earlier, but she did what lots of people do and went along with the fukkery in order to try to meet her goals.

And that’s why this is so problematic. Joe knew he had the power in this situation. He knew she felt he had some control over the trajectory of her career, and he tried to get some p*ssy out of it.

Thats shytty behavior and not something women (or anyone)should have to navigate, in a business setting.

You speak from the perspective of a dude with negative game (like angry hoe) who lucked up into any woman willing to give him time. Brehs shoot they shot every day b, your shot missing doesn't make you a creep unless you do some blatant nefarious shyt. You telling some random chick on the street hey baby and Brad Pitt doing it will illicit completely different reactions, as that creep siht for the most part is perception. You know this but youre acting obtuse. IMO like I said true creeper behavior is overt demonic bullshyt, not "hey your cute, I'm going to awkwardly try to hit on you". Thats being a lame which is different and has a much more different connotation.

But at the end of the day I'm in here arguing with the finer dealings of women with a nikka that worships a game company so whose the real goofy :snoop:
You can make up all the nonsense you want.

You in here defending creep shyt. :scust: