Stray PS4/PS5/PC/Xbox 2022

Avisible Man

S/N: 52093850
May 24, 2022
Atmosphere was great. Music was outstanding. The city / environments felt bigger than they probably were cuz of the cat's size / perspective and the verticatity.

The story was cool. It was like "Dark City." B-12 is John Murdoch tryna remember his past and nobody leaves the city. There's even a fake night sky a la the fake Shell Beach.

You really bond with B-12. That made the ending that much sadder. Felt like a Pixar movie. :mjcry: I wanted to see be a part of "bonded pair" with one of the cats from the beginning, which you get with cats sometimes. This coulda made your motivation more clear: you need to get back to your buddy cuz you both need each other. Instead, the bonded pair was you and B-12. :ehh:

I liked how the dialogue was communicated and presented so that B-12 and the player understood. It was like watching Star Wars where the aliens speak their language and we get subtitles. I also liked how you can meander around like a cat would to complete the story. You're jumping up on shyt cuz you're a cat. You're knocking a crate of bottles on a sleeping "drunk" robot cuz the crate's in your way and cats knock shyt over. But, it also advances the story cuz you need this guy to wake up and get to the hat store. Hat's off.

They really nailed the cat mannerisms. The purring when taking a nap. The stretching when waking up from a nap. Scrunching the back up when scratching the carpet. Spring boarding back when startled. Sitting down when getting to a ledge. Measuring a jump. The list goes on and on.

Some things I would like to see in a sequel:
  • I said earlier that I needed to be able to parkour off walls and that's still true. I wanted to be able to run and spring off the wall to avoid Zurks or just bounce off the wall when running around
  • A dedicated paw button to smack things with instead of the contextual button
  • Different jumping levels. Use the adaptive trigger to jump along with X. You'd have to pull down on the trigger more for a higher jump.
  • I liked the zoom feature with L2 but the foreground should blur more when zooming in since cats are far sighted. The zoom should be on some Galaxy S22 shyt cuz cats see Great from a distance. It should work like looking through a scope in a shooter but more seamless.
  • B-12 has the flashlight to help in the dark but this ignores the cat's superior night vision. In MGS3 you could adjust your eyes to the dark in caves by waiting for a minute, then you'd be able to see better. It should be like that for the cat too. Either that or activating night vision. That was a real missed opportunity.
  • Did not like the use of ⏹️ and ⭕ it was very unnatural. Shoulda been ❎ and ⭕ Using ⏹️ to skip / get to the next piece of dialogue always felt wrong to me from being conditioned for years never to use that button in that context.
  • Maybe a stamina / energy gauge. You get to drink water a few times but it could be cool cuz then you'd be forced to find some water or food which could increase your stamina and maybe add more sprint speed as a result. Taking naps could yield the same result like the hot springs in Ghost of Tsushima.
  • A guidance system that works with places you have already been cuz cats have that ability. It could work with you having to set an objective and, as long as it's a place you've been, you'd get some guidance to your destination like the wind in Ghost of Tsushima.
Oh yeah, the trophy names are dope. I like all the cat puns. Reading through the trophies is like reading the tracklist for a Michael Giacchino soundtrack. The "I am Speed" trophy shoulda been called "The Zoomies" tho. They fumbled that. :yeshrug:

There was also a moment when you're at Clementine's and there's a group of robots dancing. One of them looks like WALL·E and they have what is very clearly a rendition of the Stranger Things main theme / leitmotif playing on the boombox.

The music really was great. There were times when I could hear some Marc Streitenfeld and other times when it sounded like the music playing during a chase scene in The Bourne Identity. And scratching records like you Preemo to get the "Scratch" trophy? :banderas:

Avisible Man

S/N: 52093850
May 24, 2022
I'ma add another change I'd like to see in a sequel: Climbing. You don't climb up stuff like a cat does. My cat climbs up her scratching post all the time and will fly onto me. This would be a great way to add some variety in your movement when going vertical instead of just jumping up on different things. It could work like how Catwoman climbs with her claws in Arkham City with timing your jumps.

It could also be done like Astro's Playroom when you're in the jumping suit and you alternate using R2 and L2 to control your hands. You can hold them together to use both hands, well, paws in this case.
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Avisible Man

S/N: 52093850
May 24, 2022
The "Sneakitty" trophy photo is a cat rocking a bandana like Snake from MGS


Avisible Man

S/N: 52093850
May 24, 2022
Was the speed run hard?

My first run was 2 hours 1 minute 30 seconds :mjcry: only cuz I mistakenly hit "restart checkpoint" between 6-8 times instead of just quitting. That added unnecessary time to my run. I figured it out halfway through my run and thought I could still do it but I came up thisssss short.

With knowing to quit whenever I was about to die / did die from Zurks, I did it in 1 hour and 44 minutes. You just gotta make sure to get the detergent from the laundry to trade for the electrical wire which u need to get Grandma to make the poncho. U can avoid all other conversations with anybody that don't pertain to the story. Jail was the toughest part cuz of the sentinels but if u get caught, just Quit and it will reload ur last checkpoint for u to start again.