stop thinking chicks is bad cuz they light skin

Apr 11, 2013

Their fathers are black and male.... I figure most women would want a man/husband with the qualities of their father.... that includes physical characteristics as well...

Qualities? Sometimes (not all the time). But that doesn't necessarily translate to same race.

If we were looking at women's relationships with their fathers and the race of men they choose wouldn't it be safe to assume that a lot black women wouldn't pick black men because alot of black women don't have a relationship with their fathers?


May 3, 2012
what does the thread title even mean? wats the problem there still black,right? or has it changed considering how inconsistent y'all are with the one drop rule.


The Coli
Apr 1, 2013
If we were looking at women's relationships with their fathers and the race of men they choose wouldn't it be safe to assume that a lot black women wouldn't pick black men because alot of black women don't have a relationship with their fathers?



All Star
May 31, 2012
Co-Signs the thread......... I have too many friends with this mentality, it's actually quite comical now. They would rather go after a busted looking lighter skinned girl than one who is even slightly darker, unreal.

Ooh Marty

Jun 18, 2012
Somewhere plottin
I'm really looking forward to the next generation of black girls to reach adulthood. It is going to be interesting to say the least.

I mentor a group of black girls and I can tell you right now their teen crushes don't include black all period. No Chris Brown. No Mindless Behavior. No black males period.

You nikkas :ufdup: and YOUR SONS are about to reap what you sow.

not saying that i agree with it but the bold is very true :ohhh:

All of my young female cousins i.e. ages 3-17, only find white, asian and latino men attractive :wow:

I was trying to connect with them at a family reunion last year by bringing up mindless behavior and trey songz and they all gave me the :what: look.

They only care for one direction, justin beiber, justin timberlake, robin thicke and all the other white male actors out here. :leostare:

All in all, its like a never ending nightmare imo :no:

its like a back and forth and tit for tat shyt :snoop:


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
Miss me please!

That model will likely marry a non-black man. The same will be true for others with color complexes. And I believe there is a whole new generation full of people like this woman, who have no desire to embrace "black" and especially not black men.

Despite what you and others may think it doesn't take much for a black woman to pull a non-black man. We are 6% of the US population. If only 2% of white men (not including other races) is open to dating/marrying black women they will take MOST black women in America off the market.

Black men need to STOP trying to speak for white men and black women. You don't speak for either of us.

You're cosmically missing the point there, how can you promote(black beauty) what you don't even produce that? It doesn't make sense once you draw it all out. Your granddaughters will probably pass for white and your great grand daughters if you ever live to see them will probably be white. Now you can either elevate black beauty or you can find validation through assimilation , but you can't do both. In essence, you're running away from what makes you black woman. Only a black man and a black woman can produce black babies. Hell, even a white supremacist can grasp a concept as simple as racial preservation. :heh:

If you have no problem with black womens beauty being undermined and a new generation of self hating black girls being brought up into the world then fine but you can't be aunt jemima x when you're moving away from the very thing you claim to take pride in. Maybe it's not even about pride and you just want someone to accept you. In that case, I hope you find someone who can do that but I urge you look within first.

Though according to you, black men are the enemy of white men and black women , so to produce a black son would be most counterproductive. The least desired outcome.

How does this even remotely challenge the white beauty system?

Your "solution" in essence is black women produce biracial women so that the next generation of black girls see this and want to emulate this example. This somehow elevates black womens beauty making them desirable. It doesn't make sense. Assuming that black men all die out for some reason, your black community will be a light skin elite community and overtime they will just be white women. Congratulations?
Apr 11, 2013
not saying that i agree with it but the bold is very true :ohhh:

All of my young female cousins i.e. ages 3-17, only find white, asian and latino men attractive :wow:

I was trying to connect with them at a family reunion last year by bringing up mindless behavior and trey songz and they all gave me the :what: look.

They only care for one direction, justin beiber, justin timberlake, robin thicke and all the other white male actors out here. :leostare:

All in all, its like a never ending nightmare imo :no:

its like a back and forth and tit for tat shyt :snoop:

I'm glad I'm not the only one on here who can see it. Folks on here are in disbelief about my statements but they are true. My brother's two daughters are the SAME exact way. They are not checking for black boys.
Apr 11, 2013
You're cosmically missing the point there, how can you promote(black beauty) what you don't even produce that? It doesn't make sense once you draw it all out. Your granddaughters will probably pass for white and your great grand daughters if you ever live to see them will probably be white. Now you can either elevate black beauty or you can find validation through assimilation , but you can't do both. In essence, you're running away from what makes you black woman. Only a black man and a black woman can produce black babies. Hell, even a white supremacist can grasp a concept as simple as racial preservation. :heh:

If you have no problem with black womens beauty being undermined and a new generation of self hating black girls being brought up into the world then fine but you can't be aunt jemima x when you're moving away from the very thing you claim to take pride in. Maybe it's not even about pride and you just want someone to accept you. In that case, I hope you find someone who can do that but I urge you look within first.

Though according to you, black men are the enemy of white men and black women , so to produce a black son would be most counterproductive. The least desired outcome.

How does this even remotely challenge the white beauty system?

Your "solution" in essence is black women produce biracial women so that the next generation of black girls see this and want to emulate this example. This somehow elevates black womens beauty making them desirable. It doesn't make sense. Assuming that black men all die out for some reason, your black community will be a light skin elite community and overtime they will just be white women. Congratulations?

Listen sweetie. I'm MARRIED. I've already found my mate and personally I can care less what black men and black women do with or without each. I just hate that folks on this site tend to throw ALL black women under the bus but then get mad as hell when ALL black men are thrown under the bus in return.

Whether people accept "black beauty" (whatever the hell that people are NOT monolithic) is of no consequence to me....truly it is not. Why? Because I'm happy with myself! My "beauty" is not defined by a group of strangers! :win:

If black women and girls are HAPPY with non-black men more power to them.

If black men and boys are HAPPY with non-black women more power to them

Just be CONSISTENT with your arguments and STOP being hypocrites.

People are going to do what they do: Mate and Procreate. Who they do it with is NONE of my business.

This world and this country is going to become "mixed" regardless of what you or any pro-black hypocrite thinks and believes. Wish people the best and let them be.

You entire comment above was a RANT with arguments that were NEVER put forth by ME. I don't even know where you got this shyt. Next, time argue my actual points and TRY to be logical!