Fire John Harbaugh
damn they just straight biting Nike 

The best shoes I ever played in are those cheap ass protege's from wallmartI've actually been thinking about checking out a pair of UA's to play in, for performance purposes.
But I heard awful things about those super-hi's they were selling... so I've held off. Might go back to addias to see if the Boost padding is any good.
I understand that UA is trying to go a different direction design-wise from Nike... but their shoes just look terrible in casual wear. Which means they HAVE to perform on the court.
The black ones
Rest =
The Warriors colors are too damn loud for me...
I own some UA Cam Highlight Trainers and they are they were better on my knees any nike shoe when I did Insanity workouts. The micro G cushioning is top notch. UA bball shoes are actuallly very good performance wise and are up there with a good number of nike bball shoes in terms of performance. I'm if it had a nike check on it and KD rocked it, people would love it. All of KD's shoes except the IV were wack looking to me, but people still cop get his shoes.
Perfect shoe to rock with Dubs gear.
@ anyone rocking these casually
If you're gonna play in em, go for it.......but it's not an attractive casual shoe in any way.
Every Under Armour hoop shoe is built like that.