You can laugh all your want, still doesn't change the fact that Curry this season proved to be a better player than Zeke ever did.
Name one other perimeter player that was guarded over every inch of the halfcourt like Curry is. Even when they don't have the ball. With multiple players who gravitate towards him.
Another poster that can't read. I said help run the offense (go back through my posts) to see what I mean. Obviously Zeke RAN the offense. Do you like being dense on purpose when it comes to players/teams from previous eras?
Laimbeer was certainly no McHale (by any stretch of the imagination) but he was still able to create his shot - it wasn't all on spot up attempts and second chance opportunities. The point I was making there was it wasn't like he was scoring 17 points a game while nobody was guarding him.
curry has had 2 elite seaons, by comparison, zeke was an allstar from his 1st season all the way to his last season before blowing his achilies out. This is disrespectful. You're crowning curry to early. Stop it!
Jordan, Kobe, Lebron, see's more defensive attention than curry as a result of them not having 3 other 40% 3pt shooters on the floor with them at the same time. Lebron had all the attention of the warriors last year in the finals, unless you want me to think the other 6 ymca players lebron had garnered any respect from the warriors.
I'll admit on the vinnie/ kelly thing i didn't scroll through the other 500 post to find exactly what was said on that.
Lambier was a pick and pop player, or he scored on his own rebounds. You wasn't dumping it on the block and bill was killing people, like you could mchale or worthy. That's flat out incorrect. I bet 65% of bill's points were assisted on