Statistics say that the more partners a woman has had, the higher her divorce rate.


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
In 2010 It said a chick with 1 partner has a 22% chance of divorce compared to an 18% chance for 10+ bodies.

Y'all keep thinking these inexperienced premature thots are the answers :mjlol:


Aug 9, 2014
I'm 28

:damn: it's over.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Honestly bro look at it like this

Id rather date a pornstar than ur average chickenhead.

U know why?

Atleast a pornstar is confident and self assured for the most part (some of them).They cant lie on their p*ssy either. If u ask her # shed tell u or u can see for urself. She could be a realy good person but shes just a whore. Atleast shes being real. If ur self assured and can handle that, and dont mind sharing more power to u. If u dont want to then that doesnt make u "insecure" its just knowing wat u can handle. I know an older couple who swing and are happy as hell, married 30+ years and there both hoes by definition but atleast there honest and there happy.

Ur average hoe? Sleeps around then lies or omits when u ask. Gets defensive and brings up double standards, calls u insecure etc. maybe get a simp or two to cosign. Makes a fake number. Why u ask? Cuz shes ashamed of it. If she was so confident shed tell u the number but even shes insecure about it cuz she knows its wrong. So not only is she a hoe but shes a liar. What makes u think she wont lie and say the kid is urs, or oh my phone died, or oh hes just a friend.

Theres levels to hoes. Ive met some hoes who are really good people. Usually the most honest ones. The ones who lie and end up married always have their hoeness revealed sooner or later, adding another # to the divorce statistics. Women see this hoe get married & think they can do the same thing cuz good girls are getting the same results as hoes. Its fukked up outchea.Kinda like good guys see fukkboys get results and do the same thing which i do myself:mjlol:


I feel the same.

honest hoes are some of the best people I've met.. not cause they're hoes... but like you said, they're honest and confident and assured

would never wife... but I definitely have some home girls who are hoes.. real cool people... but they know they thotty.. they acknowledge and crack jokes about it.

the ones who fukk my head up are the dishonest ones who put up facades and try to act like they're something they're not.... messes it up for the good ones too, cause we end up putting them ALL in the same box... thinking ALL women are hoes, cause a FEW women who were straight up whores tried to pass themselves off as wholesome women who were "too good to partake in such degenerate behaviors" and then we found out they're the same as the honest hoe... except she aint honest, confident, or assured in her behavior.. shes ashamed.. thats why she LIES! Facts.

like just be a hoe if thats what you wanna do... but dont try to be a FRAUD.. and then call men "insecure" cause they rather have the lowkey low body count joint instead of the chick that everyone knows about.


Good women > Honest hoes > Hoes masquerading as good women


All Star
Nov 30, 2015
I mean, did anyone stop to think maybe this can be a good thing for the woman with multiple bodies? Like by your second guy you realize that your "one true love" was fallible. You don't have to be stuck with a loser

Mojo Jojo Morpheus

Dap Distributor
Dec 8, 2016
Where it's hotter & wetter
Y'all are obsessed with what women are doing :mjlol:

Worry about the ONE chick you can get.

nikkas wanna play the field and fukk a harem of bytches day and out UNTIL "their" ready to settle.

Then its Virgin Vicky they want. :russ: Have a seat dweebs.

That study is bullshyt. Some women can wait till marriage get that ding dong for the first time and then cheat later on bc she only had "that D" and wants to "experiment".

Stop getting ya blood pressure high over things you can't change. A hoe gonna cheat she gone cheat. Watch her smoke or move along. :lolbron:
I usually rock with you, but I can't cosign this.
It's not unreasonable to take into consideration the variables that can and will affect your marriage IF marriage is what you're interested in.
Marriage is a long-term commitment of emotion, resources, and- the most irreplaceable of them all- time, why shouldn't you be cautious before making that investment?
Even in picking a college, just a 4-year commitment. people spend a considerable amount of time doing their research and comparing the candidates.
It's just the smart thing to do.

Wrong, a study is not a good study if the study contradicts itself.

Women with more partners were more likely to be marriage material than those with 1 in 1980 and 1990
. That right there means the study is null.
Nowhere does it say or imply that.
Are you sure you parsed those graphs correctly?
In 2010 It said a chick with 1 partner has a 22% chance of divorce compared to an 18% chance for 10+ bodies.

Y'all keep thinking these inexperienced premature thots are the answers :mjlol:
You read that wrong.
That chart was listing the percentage of women that said they had that number of bodies.
Try again.:umad:


Mar 26, 2014
Lol at settling down with 18-25 year ol female
Good luck trying to keep her away from dikkk during her prime sexual years

That's like telling prime LeBron that he can't start and has to come off the bench[

No because lebron can start but only on the team he has a contract with

What you want is for LeBron to be under contract with the cavaliers but occasionaly suit up for other teams if he feels like it


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Nowhere does it say or imply that.
Are you sure you parsed those graphs correctly?

ummmm, yes it does.
the apex for both the 80s and 90s is at 2 partners and declines from there.
Heck, even the 2000s second highest peak is at 2 partners before declining up until more than 10 partners.

Mojo Jojo Morpheus

Dap Distributor
Dec 8, 2016
Where it's hotter & wetter
ummmm, yes it does.
the apex for both the 80s and 90s is at 2 partners and declines from there.
Heck, even the 2000s second highest peak is at 2 partners before declining up until more than 10 partners.
But you said 1 partner was less wifeable than multi.
If anything, that says 2 partners is the least wifeable.
Which seems to be true across the board until you hit 10+, with one notable exception.
Which is the 1980 trend which was unique in having 10+ have a lower marriage-failure coefficient than just 1.

But there are a number of possible explanations which don't damage the initial premise.
For example, it's possible that due to social mores 10+ women were far less comfortable reporting their # back in the 80's, hence skewing the results.
Or, maybe women of that time felt like having experienced 10+ was more than enough and were far more reticent to divorce.

Like you said, the parameters would have to be expanded in order to capture those nuances, but that by no means invalidates the study altogether.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
But there are a number of possible explanations which don't damage the initial premise.
For example, it's possible that due to social mores 10+ women were far less comfortable reporting their # back in the 80's, hence skewing the results.
Or, maybe women of that time felt like having experienced 10+ was more than enough and were far more reticent to divorce.

Like you said, the parameters would have to be expanded in order to capture those nuances, but that by no means invalidates the study altogether.

You're basically stating what I already did. There are other variables not being controlled for or considered.

The data might not be invalidated but the conclusions damn sure should not be taken as truth.


All Star
May 22, 2012
I didn't go through the comments in this thread, but this study is flawed because it assumes the same amount of people fall into each of the categories.

If the majority of the population has had 10+ partners and the overall divorce rate is relatively high, then the if couse there will be a strong uptick for that population

We need to see what the estimated distribution of these categories is to really understand the numbers and see if they're valid.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
damn, thats real.

even women with 3-4 bodies carry baggage from past dudes.. imagine if you multiply that number by 6... she ends up becoming a nut case.

I feel you.

I'm done arguing with dudes about this. You ain't changing a simp's mind, so why bother :yeshrug: If they want to marry a slut, then let them. There are so many things that oppose their thought process. Religion says a high number of partners leads to soul ties, which is an absolute no go. Statistics says a high number of partners leads to decreased ability to pair bond and have a stable marriage. From a medical perspective, having all those sexual partners increases your likelihood of AIDS, HPV and other nasty diseases. There's even theories floating around based on experiments with insects and small animals that the females retain small fragments of DNA of the males she's procreated with and pass them onto their eventual children....lending credence to the religious argument of soul ties if this is ever proven in human trials....also the gross realization that a chick has all her partners DNA inside her and your kid will too. Generally, people with higher amounts of sexual partners have poor decision making and are more impulsive. Less likely to be faithful. Will find it hard to find happiness with one man especially if they've slept with better or been with better throughtout their life (even though said person never married them....they'll still fantasize). Then there's the former hoes who got ran through and are only after a stable relationship with you now because they're getting older and can no longer hang with younger women in terms of getting the men they want, so you're really playing yourself being the guy she decides she'll settle for. There are just so many reasons. Don't listen to these simps. Don't even argue with them :hubie: These nikkas know in their heart they wouldn't want their daughters growing up to be Draya nor would they bring a hoe like that to their grandmom's house for after church dinner. They're just here to argue and cause confusion.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
I'm done arguing with dudes about this. You ain't changing a simp's mind, so why bother :yeshrug: If they want to marry a slut, then let them. There are so many things that oppose their thought process. Religion says a high number of partners leads to soul ties, which is an absolute no go. Statistics says a high number of partners leads to decreased ability to pair bond and have a stable marriage. From a medical perspective, having all those sexual partners increases your likelihood of AIDS, HPV and other nasty diseases. There's even theories floating around based on experiments with insects and small animals that the females retain small fragments of DNA of the males she's procreated with and pass them onto their eventual children....lending credence to the religious argument of soul ties if this is ever proven in human trials....also the gross realization that a chick has all her partners DNA inside her and your kid will too. Generally, people with higher amounts of sexual partners have poor decision making and are more impulsive. Less likely to be faithful. Will find it hard to find happiness with one man especially if they've slept with better or been with better throughtout their life (even though said person never married them....they'll still fantasize). Then there's the former hoes who got ran through and are only after a stable relationship with you now because they're getting older and can no longer hang with younger women in terms of getting the men they want, so you're really playing yourself being the guy she decides she'll settle for. There are just so many reasons. Don't listen to these simps. Don't even argue with them :hubie: These nikkas know in their heart they wouldn't want their daughters growing up to be Draya nor would they bring a hoe like that to their grandmom's house for after church dinner. They're just here to argue and cause confusion.

b-b-b-b-b you're insecure

b-b-b-b-b-b- you're gay

b-b-b-b-b-b but men do it

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b double standards

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b but Kim Kardashian

b-b-b-b-b- instagram hoes winning

b-b-b-b-b- porn stars getting wifed
