States Are Lining Up to Outlaw Lab-Grown Meat


Nov 1, 2015
those people in that video was tricked into buying fake watermelon. They thought they were buying real produce, it was fake.

looks like it's something they coated real food with to make it last longer but ended up making it look like it does in the video.



Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
looks like it's something they coated real food with to make it last longer but ended up making it look like it does in the video.

nikkkka I don't care what you post. you are untrustworthy. I'm seeing and hearing with my own eyes, I don't want that shyt. FOH


Nov 1, 2015
Because you are a social media account he chooses not to believe, the other social media accounts are obviously telling the truth

I haven't made any claims, just posted some links from reputable sources.

like he made a claim and referenced a social media account with a reposted tiktok video with blurred text. I then tried to find more information about said claims. :manny:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Anyone okay with synthetic meat.
Eats roach patties.
Like snowpiecer. that alleged sequel to willy Wonka on a train.

Art Barr


Nov 1, 2015

🚨 LAYOFF ALERT - Florida & California 🇺🇸

UPSIDE Foods @UPSIDEfoods has laid off an undisclosed number of employees following a ban signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis that criminalizes the production and sale of cultivated meat in Florida.

To post tweets in this format, more info here:
May 22, 2012
It's healthier. The GOP is retarded, this is about appeasing big meat companies
Do you have sources explaining how its healthier? That’s my biggest concern. We get all these great ideas to make food cheaper to produce and more appealing only to realize 10-20 years later that its the new cause for some ailment.

It’d be one thing if this was being used to solve some food crisis where people don’t have access to foods. You could give them the choice and monitor them and tell them the risks (if any are known). But capitalism had a tendency to ruin good things or make bad things worse for the sake of profits.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Meat industry lobbiest
Follow the money. Do you really think politicians care about their constituents.
They are for sale to the highest bidder. Big farms are protecting their interests and they have to pay to play.
Take money from meat masters poly crehs.


Nov 1, 2015
Do you have sources explaining how its healthier? That’s my biggest concern. We get all these great ideas to make food cheaper to produce and more appealing only to realize 10-20 years later that its the new cause for some ailment.

It’d be one thing if this was being used to solve some food crisis where people don’t have access to foods. You could give them the choice and monitor them and tell them the risks (if any are known). But capitalism had a tendency to ruin good things or make bad things worse for the sake of profits.

lab grown mean doesn't contain any growth hormones or antibiotics.


Sep 15, 2022


Billions of cows, chickens, and pigs are killed each year to feed an unsustainable demand for meat that’s eating away at the planet. But innovations in science and technology could bring this needless killing to an end. Lab-grown meat is here.

Cultured chicken on a grill with vegetables.

Eat Just's cultured chicken on a grill with vegetables.Eat Just / Good Meat

The concept of lab-grown meat—also known as cultured, cultivated, cell-based, or clean meat—emerged over the course of the last two decades. As Silicon Valley start-ups race to get lab-grown meat on the market, it's getting closer and closer to becoming available for consumers. And the stakes are incredibly high. Lab-grown meat has the potential to spare millions of animals from lifetimes of suffering and inhumane deaths in factory farms.

70 billion land animals, and possibly trillions of marine animals, are killed for human consumption each year. A majority of these animals are raised in factory farms, where they experience brutal forms of abuse in severely overcrowded and putrid conditions for the entirety of their short lives.

Major meat producers often defend factory farming as the most efficient way to meet the global demand for meat. But evidence shows that these facilities are disastrous for the environment, nearby communities, consumer health, and animal welfare.

It shouldn’t have to be this way. It's time to fix our broken food system. It's time to look for alternatives. Lab-grown meat could hold the key.

What is lab-grown meat?​

Lab-grown meat is a miracle of modern science. Scientists can harvest a small sample of cells from a living animal and cultivate the sample to grow outside of the animal's body, shaping the fully formed sample into cuts of meat. Fish fillets, hamburgers, and bacon would all have the same taste consumers know and love, and no animals would need to be bred, confined, or slaughtered to create these real meat products.

How is lab-grown meat made?​

The term “lab-grown meat” might sound off-putting, but labs are only involved now, in order to support ongoing research and development. Once they begin to produce at scale, lab-grown meat companies will swap out laboratories for facilities that resemble microbreweries—a far cry from the industrial farms that profit off of the horrific exploitation, abuse, and slaughter of sentient animals.

Instead of killing animals for their meat, the process of making lab-grown meat starts with the careful removal of a small number of muscle cells from a living animal, typically using local anesthesia to provide relief from pain. The animal will experience a momentary twinge of discomfort, not unlike the feeling of getting a routine blood test at the doctor’s office. This process is much less harmful than the lifetime of pain and terror animals experience leading up to their horrific final moments at the slaughterhouse.

Then, a lab technician places the harvested cells in bioreactors before adding them to a bath of nutrients. The cells grow and multiply, producing real muscle tissue, which scientists then shape into edible “scaffoldings.” Using these scaffoldings, they can transform lab-grown cells into steak, chicken nuggets, hamburger patties, or salmon sashimi. The final product is a real cut of meat, ready to be marinated, breaded, grilled, baked, or fried—no animal slaughter required.

Is lab-grown meat actually meat?​

The short answer is, yes! Lab-grown meat is real meat. It has the exact same animal cells as what we traditionally consider “meat”—the flesh of an animal. The difference has to do with how it gets to your plate: lab-grown meat comes from cells harvested from a living animal, while conventional meat comes from an animal that’s raised and killed for human consumption.

The idea that no animal has to be raised or killed may be enough to convince ethically-minded consumers to opt for lab-grown meat over conventional meat products. And, based on what companies and researchers have already shared about lab-grown meat, additional health benefits and reduced environmental impacts may also make lab-grown meat a more enticing choice for consumers. What also makes lab-grown meat different is that it often doesn’t contain the same growth hormones and saturated fats associated with conventional meat.


Lab-grown meat isn’t artificial meat. It’s real animal flesh. It just happens to grow in a lab, not on a factory farm. Scientists are even working to ensure that lab-created muscle tissue mimics the exact texture of traditionally-grown meat.

Thanks to this innovation, meat-lovers can still enjoy the products they already know and love, with the knowledge that no animals were brutally raised or slaughtered for their meal.


Due to its high cholesterol and saturated fat content, meat consumption can lead to chronic disease. However, lab-grown meat has the potential to reduce the negative health impacts of meat-eating. When growing meat in a lab, food scientists can actually control the quantities of harmful cholesterol and saturated fat in each cut.

Lab-grown meat can also address the growing threat of antibiotic resistance. Factory farms administer high amounts of antibiotics to animals in order to keep them alive in filthy conditions. But overusing these antibiotics can actually make the surviving bacteria stronger, rendering antibiotics ineffective against them. According to the World Health Organization, at least 700,000 people die each year from antibiotic-resistant infections—a number that could soar to 10 million by 2050 if factory farming continues to be the norm. Fortunately, lab-grown meat is pretty resilient against bacteria like E. coli on its own, and, as such, would require fewer antibiotics.

Another perk is that lab-grown meat contains no growth hormones. Factory farms use these hormones to unnaturally boost the growth of farmed animals, and studies have shown that growth hormones can lead to harmful health impacts. The European Union commissioned researchers to examine six growth hormones used in the raising of cattle, and they concluded that the growth hormones had “developmental, neurobiological, genotoxic, and carcinogenic effects.”

While it doesn’t contain harmful antibiotics and growth hormones of traditional meat, lab-grown meat does contain the same amount of protein that is crucial to the health and proper functioning of our bodies, and we can get more than enough beneficial proteins from plant-based sources. That said, lab-grown meat will offer new options to consumers looking for proteins that are kinder to their health, as well as to the planet and animals.

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Additionally, lab-grown meat is produced in a highly controlled environment which can protect the meat from microbes and contamination. E. coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter are intestinal pathogens that cause illnesses every year and are a concern for meat-eaters. As there are no intestinal organs in the lab-grown meat, there can not be contamination during slaughter.

Lab-grown meat is also free from the growth hormones that are often injected into farm animals to make their meat better. This makes the Lab-grown meat healthier.

Another consequence the lab-grown meat evades is that of zoonotic diseases. Livestock grown in confined spaces are susceptible to outbreaks such as influenza. Lab-grown meat is safe from these zoonotic diseases plaguing the animals and the antibiotics that are given to them.

In addition to being antibiotic-free and safe from zoonotic diseases, lab-grown meat has immense health benefits. Scientists have suggested the possibility of altering the nutritional contents of cultured meat according to the necessary requirements. This type of meat is often called designer meat.

Furthermore, the type of fat can also be adjusted making it healthier than conventional meat. The fat content in the meat can be controlled by adjusting the growth medium. The amount of saturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids can be modified as well.

Additionally, unhealthy fats in meat can be replaced with healthy and essential fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and the risk of heart diseases. Laboratory meat producers may also be able to add vitamins like B12 into the cultured meat. If scientists are able to produce meat in which macro and micronutrients can be altered according to the need of the human body, the potential health benefits of lab-grown meat are endless.

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Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
I mean, I don't want to eat the Soylent Green either, but I'm not understanding this ban besides The Meat Master lobby is getting in politicians ears. The party of limited government is so full of shyt.

It's not clear to me exactly why they are banning it.