sidenote to @
you can buy calipers for around 5 dollars yourself and do 3point or 7point tests(easier if you have someone help you)
but the big thing to realize is the actual reading is usually off(by alot)
BUT, the change in bodyfat reading is actually beneficial. because despite it being off the change in bodyfat reading is tangible and will atleast let you know that you are losing
[ame=] AccuMeasure MyoTape MT05 and AM-3000 Fitness 3000 Personal Body Fat Tester Kit: Health & Personal Care[/ame]
this is what i copped and still use today, this one comes with measuring tape which i believe is actually even better than calipers(for obvious reasons, provided you dont cheat and suck in etc it always is correct)
i wouldnt check but once a month though.