Startin To Question My BlackSands Investment

Duke Wy Lin

It's been a good run. Wish y'all the best ✊🏿
May 24, 2022
Preach the truth my brother. The selective militancy here and among the Tariq hashtag crew is so oddly passive, if not actively supportive, of out and about right wing racists and entirely anti black right wing conservatism, while being so insanely critical of other black people to the point of doxxing, smearing and ruining one another. Meanwhile the same crew that's so vigilant towards black immigrants on damn Twitter "disrespecting FBA who built this country and FBA culture" can always be caught copping every plea possible for 3rd generation son of German immigrants Donald "shythole countries" "rat infested neighborhoods" Drumpf. Ask Tariq Nasheed who hates "anti-black non-FBA" in "his country" but has so much enthusiasm for Donald Drumpf. It be the biggest pro-black stalwarts on the damn internet screen who reveal themselves to be total crab-in-a-barrel self loathing haters eager to side with white power conservatives. It's become so bizarre.

Yes what the dude said was questionable, but the context was clear. He is an artist and a writer. He probably reads a ton of books and watches a ton of film and television every opportunity he gets. He was heavily influenced by Mel Gibson's work--especially with regard to his historical dramas, which he has a particular interest in--regardless of his personal issues. As an artist you MUST have influences. You don't become great at art on your own. And when you do find influences you must separate their work from their personal life. You know how many great film directors and actors I absolutely admire who held disappointing sexist, racist, disagreeable sentiments in their personal lives? I still love and study their work.

How many of y'all loved Dragonball Z as a kid despite it's awful depictions of black people? Yet can you name a better guy you'd trust to lay out and animate a cutting edge fight scene than Akira Toriyama?

And as a black business man you definitely have to learn when your stalwart black pride takes a backseat to the success of a business. I didn't take his comment to say he endorses the man's racism, but that he simply considers him (understandably so) among the greatest living actors of the historical drama genre and wanted to create a vibrant discussion about skill/qualification vs. personal politics. I get it and I don't down the breh for it.

@pugnathemighty Mel Gibson was an incredible actor. The Patriot and Braveheart are among my favorite films ever as well. I watch them at least once a year. You haven't fooled, betrayed or bamboozled anyone for starting a discussion on the guy and admitting you admire and trust his craftsmanship as an actor/director. I get it. I'm on your team on this one young breh.

It's like folks here think being pro-black is some shallow competition between each other. Constantly on the lookout for who they can "expose" but will ironically back people like Tariq Nasheed who says a multitude of questionable shyt outright. It's the same way you got people here who will bash any black politicians who has to deal with real voters, real consequences, and isn't being pigeon held to reparations and other wildly unpopular policy proposals. Dude is on his way to some potential media stardom now. He's going to associate and even hire "non-black" people. And on a forum where even associating with another black person who's "non-FBA" can make you the subject of rabid toxic anti-social losers around here he don't got time to be worrying about fringe coli politics from a bunch of miserable internet dudes who will never even attempt what he's got going on here, so they have to roleplay as uncompromised militants, tearing others down instead. Leave my dude alone and let him work.

Repped. This is all facts.