Lmao 7/10 is just mean
Big reviewers giving 7s but smaller reviewers giving high scores screams to me that they didn't play industry games with them
We'll see, I plan to read a few.Without reading the reviews themselves, it comes off as this being a more subjective game than most. Bigger outlets are probably trying not to assign someone who is a huge fan of Bethesda games in order to try to maintain objectivity, whereas smaller outlets are probably more likely to assign the game to someone who is a fan of those types of games.
As always, it's not the scores that actually tell you what the reviewer really thought, but the actual words in the review instead.
This is all imagine dragons fault
IGN japan gave it a 10.
広大な宇宙の膨大な出会い ベセスダ式オープンワールドRPGの最高傑作 『Starfield』レビュー
uh oh.Games radar stated best game since oblivion
Starfield review: "The best thing Bethesda's done since Oblivion"
An expansive and beautifully crafted open world experience full of endless discovery and