Could this actually bomb at the box office?
Serious question
I'm going do my part and boycotted it.
Could this actually bomb at the box office?
Serious question
Like @KevCo said, it's still Star Wars. I enjoy shyt from every movie. I fundamentally dislike what they did with TFA and am perplexed at what they did in parts of TLJ...but I enjoy a lot of both movies still.
I'm there day one.
Could this actually bomb at the box office?
Serious question
Could this actually bomb at the box office?
Serious question
No doubt. As an outsider it does feel like there’s less buzz than there was for Last Jedi. There’s definitely less water cooler talk about it.Nah, I think it'll do last jedi numbers at least unless word of mouth is that bad.
just came here to post about how little i give a shyt about this. zero buzz for me. I've seen every Star Wars movie with my best friend since Attack of the Clones. it became a little tradition. i brought it up the other day and he genuinely didn't even know it was coming out.I'm just curious: How many of you brehs are actually excited for this film? I've seen a few posters pop up in this thread, but they're mostly staying quiet.Now's your time to shine.
*Luke wakes up in a space brothel next to four naked Three-Tittied aliens after the Battle on Endor*I would. Treat this shyt as one big dream sequence. No fukks given.
i think it'll still do big won't flop like Solo...people will see it out of sheer curiosity, as fans, as haters, etc.
Absolutely not.Could this actually bomb at the box office?
Serious question
Kennedy and dyke crew have pissed off the entire fanbase...Could this actually bomb at the box office?
Serious question
No way in hell this movie ends up being better than the first 3 episodes of the Mandelorian