Rey has zero range. She just always has that intensely pissed off look on her face. What a shallow character for a lead role
Completely swindled us
Fukk this franchise
HAWG*Finn needs a wife.
Quoted again because it’s still unfathomable
Dave Filoni and John Favaeru are behind this I’m confident it’ll be good. Filoni should be in charge of Star Wars creatively dude is Lucas’s protege. He’s been behind some of the best of Star Wars in recent years (Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance)Keep that. Disney Star Wars is trash
She need some black dikk in that assRey has zero range. She just always has that intensely pissed off look on her face. What a shallow character for a lead role
The Leaks are real going by the trailer
There’s just not a lot to like here. The whole sequel trilogy was unnecessary. It wasn’t planned nor was it a story than needed to be told. They should have used whatever Lucas gave them to use to make a sequel trilogy.
That being said I’m curious enough to still see this one to see how they attempt to clean up the mess The Last Jedi left. Looking back on it The Last Jedi was Matrix Revolutions level bad.