Very long piece in Vanity Fair, cool read though
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, The Ultimate Preview
Some snippets:
-Rise of Skywalker takes places about 1 year after TLJ.
-Rey's training is "almost complete".
-Knights of Ren confirmed
-J.J is saying he's taking a different approach than TFA. He's less about doing what he felt Star Wars should be to "doing what feels right" because it does, not because it adheres to something.
-Leia's scenes were done adapting the deleted scenes they had of her from TFA. They basically found new ways and contexts to put her dialogues and scenes.
-At least two new planets in Pasaana (desert planet, probably were we see Rey in the teaser) and Kijimi, a "snow dusted" planet.
-New First Order character in Allegiant General Pryde. They are also saying they will delve, at least a little, on the First Order origins, I guess that's where Pryde's character is for, to give that backstory.
-Keri Russell's character is called Zorri Bliss. "A masked scoundrel".
-Rey and Kylo's "bond" runs even deeper than previously revelaed
-Seems like Finn will be in charge of an Endor-like battle. This picture is about him "leading the charge against the mechanized forces of the First Order".