Can someone explain to me exactly why so many die hard Star Wars fans despise what Johnson did with The Last Jedi?
Like I can get someone not liking it all that much, and I certainly think it's a flawed film, but why does it provoke such anger from some Star Wars fans?
I'm not a huge Star Wars fan. The only Star Wars film I enjoy start to finish is The Empire Strikes Back, so I don't understand all the lore but it really befuddles me how the film provoked so much hate and it seems to go beyond just the usual braindead neckbeard mutants that these films attract. Even more senisble level headed fans seem act similarly.
Because it was a waste of potential mainly and a slap in the face to what made people love Star Wars in the first place. I have no problem with them wanting to move on from the old movies and characters, as long as they keep it WITHIN the lore that is established. The Last Jedi from the first time you see Luke on screen to the end is basically a big fukk you to movies 1-6.
Luke walked into the valley of the shadow of death instead of just killing his father and Palpatine, to redeem his father... All of a sudden Kylo is beyond redemption and he must be killed.
Leia aint ever used the force, all of a sudden she can pull herself out of the vacuum of space(on the verge of death mind you) to safety like she's fukking Yoda or something?
What is the point of the First Order and Snoke? Where did they even come from? The Knights of Ren? The movie was a big waste of time and almost seemed like one huge troll job by Rian Johnson(and after hearing that they are being 'rude' back I'm convinced he WAS trolling everyone).