Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
Just watched a video from a guy and he suggested that instead of Luke trying to kill Ben Solo while he was sleeping to instead confront Ben and tell him he's gonna to halt his training. Kylo still gets pissed off and goes crazy but Luke doesn't come off as so out of character.

I don't understand how someone thought killing him in his sleep was a good idea in the storyboard department.
I just saw one that threw out the Rey was a student. Luke mind wiped her KOTOR style because she was going all dark. Kylo and other students had issues with that and that's why they turned against Luke.

I prefer this retcon personally. It fixes a lot of character motivations and adds some depth to everyone.

The point still remains that could've done anything yet they made Luke a homicidal bad touch uncle.:snoop:


May 1, 2012
I just saw one that threw out the Rey was a student. Luke mind wiped her KOTOR style because she was going all dark. Kylo and other students had issues with that and that's why they turned against Luke.

I prefer this retcon personally. It fixes a lot of character motivations and adds some depth to everyone.

The point still remains that could've done anything yet they made Luke a homicidal bad touch uncle.:snoop:
He was lusting after his sister. He father killed children and there mother just gave up on life. This is not a stable family. At least he didn't kill the little prick.

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
im pretty sure rian johnson did what he did so by the time 10 comes out there will be zero blowback when NONE of the original charcters are there cept maybe chewbacca who dont even speak. he killed off the story in 8 so 10 will be fresh. i hope jj negates everything he did to fukk up his trilogy

the franchise is already fukked.

actually lemme rephrase... the saga films are fukked. the anthology movies could always exploit the OT and push nostalgia.

but i wouldn't be surprised if disney countered that by putting Vader in episode 9 or something. Luke is definitely coming back and will probably be alluded to in the trailers.

There's just no way disney will use REY, FINN and KYLO to sell this movie. They CAN'T.

Manuel Hot Pepper Lopez

cac this, cac that, c00n this c00n that
Oct 5, 2012
the franchise is already fukked.

actually lemme rephrase... the saga films are fukked. the anthology movies could always exploit the OT and push nostalgia.

but i wouldn't be surprised if disney countered that by putting Vader in episode 9 or something. Luke is definitely coming back and will probably be alluded to in the trailers.

There's just no way disney will use REY, FINN and KYLO to sell this movie. They CAN'T.
I wouldn't hold my breath
As much as there are so many people that hate this movie, there are plenty that like it. It's gonna make a BILLION dollars. The majority of OG Star Wars fans may feel crushed, but they are determined to move in a direction that caters to a new generation. And unless there is an uproar from 4 year olds to 20 somethings and decline in toy, video games and merchandise sales....this is the way it's moving.
Same reason Transformers movies keep on being made despite seemingly every person you know despising them


Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
You know what's even MORE cringeworthy is that Kathleen Kennedy hired Rian Johnson to do Episode 10,11 & 12.... and write the trilogy SOLO...:deadman::why:
No..he ws hired to write a trilogy, hes only directing the first....its not going to be 10,11,12 tho...completly seperate from the “skywalker saga” well see how he does when hes not pigeonholed into using charactars he didnt create and using a storyline he creates. Kathleen Kennedy/disney loves him


Aug 18, 2014
You know what's even MORE cringeworthy is that Kathleen Kennedy hired Rian Johnson to do Episode 10,11 & 12.... and write the trilogy SOLO...:deadman::why:

He isn’t doing episode 10, 11 and 12, he has been giving a trilogy outside the main films. So in essence he is free to create whatever he wants in this new trilogy. If he was a smart man he would decline the offer and wash his hands of Star Wars.

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
I wouldn't hold my breath
As much as there are so many people that hate this movie, there are plenty that like it. It's gonna make a BILLION dollars. The majority of OG Star Wars fans may feel crushed, but they are determined to move in a direction that caters to a new generation. And unless there is an uproar from 4 year olds to 20 somethings and decline in toy, video games and merchandise sales....this is the way it's moving.
Same reason Transformers movies keep on being made despite seemingly every person you know despising them

the transformers movies are already seeing a dip. it took 5 movies but it's happening.

i'm sure episode 9 will make bank, probably over a billion, but it will easily make less than TLJ did. the nostalgia tour has come and gone, the big questions have all been answered. it's just another franchise now... like twilight and hunger games.

there is no way they will keep this momentum going for the next several years. you will start seeing these movies make less and less. i could see them taking a break after episode 9 to try and set the stage better for the next trilogy but by that point i don't think anyone will care.

just what i see.


Demon King Of Salvation
Nov 18, 2016
I really hate the idea that force projection is essentially the peak force ability. There will never be another force user more powerful than Anakin/Luke but Luke died after using it. So does that mean Force Storm is no longer canon?


Feb 12, 2013
I just saw one that threw out the Rey was a student. Luke mind wiped her KOTOR style because she was going all dark. Kylo and other students had issues with that and that's why they turned against Luke.

I prefer this retcon personally. It fixes a lot of character motivations and adds some depth to everyone.

The point still remains that could've done anything yet they made Luke a homicidal bad touch uncle.:snoop:
My random fixes for the whole trilogy that I've been thinking over the last few days.

Luke starts his academy with a more relaxed approach to training because he believes the strict teachings lead to the creation of Vader.
A dark presence has been slowly corrupting Ben since damn near the day he came out of the womb.
He's been on some We Need to Talk About Given shyt and Leia's on her politician tip so she sends him to Luke.
Luke starts training Ben and makes progress with him but he's still conflicted. One day Leia is exposed as Darth Vader's daughter and Ben never learned this information. He's fukking pissed. Luke gives him the run down of everything that happened with Anakin and says some poignant shyt and ends it with "let the past die" (So "Let the past die, kill it it if you have to" is a perversion of something Luke said to him).
One night Luke feels a dark presence he's never felt before and goes to check on Ben and he sees him having a Force Skype call with a tall pitch black silhouette(Snoke). The dark figure points toward Luke and Ben Solo stands up and ignites his lightsaber. Luke refuses to fight him and just dodges his attacks while trying to talk to him. Ben is crying and shyt because he aint a killer like that but he force pushes Luke a wall and knocks him out.
Ben kills mad nikkas at the academy but many escape. Luke thinks Ben's killed his wife since he can no longer feel her and this breaks his spirit.
The old nikka from the beginning of TFA escaped from the academy massacre with Luke's wife who was in the early stages of her pregnancy at the time of the attack. Luke can't feel her because she cuts herself off from the force.
Rey's mother is like a Star Wars version of Jean Grey, she's powerful in the force but she trains her mind over physical fighting.(This is why Rey can pick up on the Jedi Mind Trick and shyt like that so easily)
Since we can do all types of shyt with the force now. Rey's mother imprints bits and pieces of memories onto Anakin's lightsaber and gives it to Maz for safe keeping(this is where the crazy Force vision stuff in TFA comes from).
After years the old nikka from TFA and Rey's mother get word of a Jedi Killer(Ben) searching for any Jedi sympathizers and specifically Rey's mother. She escapes off world to draw Kylo as far away from Rey as possible.
While all this is going on Luke has become obsessed with the old teaches of the Jedi and starts hopping from one old jedi temple to the next in search of information of this dark figure he saw. (In my version Snoke is Darth Plagueis)

That's all I got.

God dammit man, this trilogy could have been fire.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
No..he ws hired to write a trilogy, hes only directing the first....its not going to be 10,11,12 tho...completly seperate from the “skywalker saga” well see how he does when hes not pigeonholed into using charactars he didnt create and using a storyline he creates. Kathleen Kennedy/disney loves him

I don't think any star wars fan that hated episode 8 is gonna see any more star wars movies written by this dude when he went out of his way to destroy the series like this fam...:francis: would I trust this dude to write a coherent trilogy after he hacked this first time out??? how you supposed to love scifi movies and yet you WRITE this abomination and think it's cool??? it was a fukking alley oop all you had to do was dunk the bytch!!!!:why: Instead he took the ball and threw it to the other end of the court and ruined the game!!!

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
My random fixes for the whole trilogy that I've been thinking over the last few days.

Luke starts his academy with a more relaxed approach to training because he believes the strict teachings lead to the creation of Vader.
A dark presence has been slowly corrupting Ben since damn near the day he came out of the womb.
He's been on some We Need to Talk About Given shyt and Leia's on her politician tip so she sends him to Luke.
Luke starts training Ben and makes progress with him but he's still conflicted. One day Leia is exposed as Darth Vader's daughter and Ben never learned this information. He's fukking pissed. Luke gives him the run down of everything that happened with Anakin and says some poignant shyt and ends it with "let the past die" (So "Let the past die, kill it it if you have to" is a perversion of something Luke said to him).
One night Luke feels a dark presence he's never felt before and goes to check on Ben and he sees him having a Force Skype call with a tall pitch black silhouette(Snoke). The dark figure points toward Luke and Ben Solo stands up and ignites his lightsaber. Luke refuses to fight him and just dodges his attacks while trying to talk to him. Ben is crying and shyt because he aint a killer like that but he force pushes Luke a wall and knocks him out.
Ben kills mad nikkas at the academy but many escape. Luke thinks Ben's killed his wife since he can no longer feel her and this breaks his spirit.
The old nikka from the beginning of TFA escaped from the academy massacre with Luke's wife who was in the early stages of her pregnancy at the time of the attack. Luke can't feel her because she cuts herself off from the force.
Rey's mother is like a Star Wars version of Jean Grey, she's powerful in the force but she trains her mind over physical fighting.(This is why Rey can pick up on the Jedi Mind Trick and shyt like that so easily)
Since we can do all types of shyt with the force now. Rey's mother imprints bits and pieces of memories onto Anakin's lightsaber and gives it to Maz for safe keeping(this is where the crazy Force vision stuff in TFA comes from).
After years the old nikka from TFA and Rey's mother get word of a Jedi Killer(Ben) searching for any Jedi sympathizers and specifically Rey's mother. She escapes off world to draw Kylo as far away from Rey as possible.
While all this is going on Luke has become obsessed with the old teaches of the Jedi and starts hopping from one old jedi temple to the next in search of information of this dark figure he saw. (In my version Snoke is Darth Plagueis)

That's all I got.

God dammit man, this trilogy could have been fire.

This is a coherent plot. It’s not rocket science. The only other medium I’ve seen show such contempt, animosity, and disrespect to its audience is how Vince and Stephanie McMahon and Kevin Dunn write what they book seemingly because they hate or are ashamed of pro wrestling. There’s been so many minor changes made to this film in this thread and these ideas here that so simply and logically would explore the questions asked by the end of force awakens in a satisfying manner. I don’t see how anyone could complain if these were what’s in the film. Just write Finn a little better than force awakens and give him some purpose in last Jedi (have him become a captain and eventually a general who even leads the attack on a first order fortress like Lando did in ROTJ where he has his big showdown with an actually fleshed our captain Phasma to bring his story full circle of going from faceless stormtrooper to deserter to taking up Luke’s old lightsaber to protect his friends to rebel leader) and you’ve got a classic. The universe expands and explores new characters, the old ones give them the rub/stamp of approval by helping them and the old guys fill new roles that fit their character types. You get a diverse cast and a strong female lead without pandering while you’re at it and it actually makes sense. It gives a great story to this movie and sets up something huge in the next. +10 for some great ideas.