opening was cool, the gag about holding the line was a little corny
leia literally forcing herself to life was....

Granted I've never read the EU material, so I personally don't know the full power of what the force can do...but that shyt as cringy.
Finn and the asian gremlin was an okay pair...a little too much fodder though.
them lil bird things were okay, got a little annoying
the constant force convos got old, especially when they tried to play it up w/ little jokes.
glad they didn't reveal her parents to be skywalkers or related.
The whole thing about tailing the cruiser and just let it run out of gas felt like fukking speed or die hard 2...
luke a straight up a$$hole
could've done w/o the yoda cameo...think it would've been more powerful if luke figured it out for himself.
Luke force ghosting himself in the battle was
the kylo/rey battle was pretty nice, and I knew snokes would bite the bullet
Really wonder how they gonna proceed since carrie fisher is dead
they played the comedy up a little bit too much