Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)


All Star
Jul 29, 2013
To be honest, they shoulda just done a world-wide day-and-date release. No pity, they fukked up....:yeshrug:

I'm surprised. They did a good enough job keeping shyt on lockdown. And even official shyt like the shot-list/msw never got "over" in any mainstream sites (Disney manhandling is my guess). Like, it's really weird, we had the SHOT-LIST and a SYNOPSIS based off it, have had the shyt for months, but all these sites were still running shyt like "Is Luke secretly Kylo Ren in TFA?"

They have essentially blown it in the final hour. People who are really passionate can always find what they're looking for, but this shyt is all over reddit/twitter/forums now, anyone can find it, and they could have avoided that.

US still has two fukking this rate, a fukking rip might be up by that time....:mjlol:
They don't care about a few spoilers here and there or a low res torrent floating around either. After all the positive reviews where most of the only negative ones are saying it is too much of a rehash of the original, Disney is going to make a fortune. Probably 2 billion on gate and another 3 or 4 billion on merch. Their Lucasfilm purchase will pay for itself by the end of March. I also think they release outside the states first to build buzz in the US because half of the total is coming out of the US anyway so good word trickles in from overseas and they play on our jealousy a little. It's a tested strategy.

The whole misinfo/misdirection campaign has been fantastic.

We weren't sure if Finn was force sensitive or not, we weren't sure whose kids Rey and Ren were. We didn't know for sure if Finn was a rebel spy all along or really a turncoat. How much screen time luke was going to get? Who dies... They did a good job floating plausible storylines and faux-spoilers to keep the geeks confounded. Disney NDA and propaganda game is strong.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
@THASTUNNA @Box Cutta @23Stapscity @Ziggiy etc

Some other things.
Hux is straight up evil and absolutely delusional. The speech he gives and the reaction from the FO troops :damn: which is then subsequently followed by the Star Killer base completely obliterating an entire star system (Hosnian). That's what was going to happen at the end to the whole system where the Resistance base was. They showed a scene with people in a city of one of the planets in the Hosnian system witnessing the oncoming weapon :damn:

And I think Poe will be trained in Episode 8 or 9 (or falling to the dark side).

Ok EVERYBODY can't have the Force and be trained. At least ONE of the protagonist three isn't going to be force sensitive...

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
Don't make me neg you.

You don't, know, the power of a neg.
Kiss mah blahk azzzzzzzzz I don gi a fuhk /drunk off egg nog and Swiss Colony

Nah. I'm just saying, feminists would be all over the blogs, the same with how folks got sick of how Rumbelle was being treated on Once Upon A Time. A character who is only defined in relation to another character isn't cool, male or female.

I guess only Camille Paglia is the One True non hypocritical feminist.

And Disney gets their white Princess while denying a Prince again.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Kiss mah blahk azzzzzzzzz I don gi a fuhk /drunk off egg nog and Swiss Colony

Nah. I'm just saying, feminists would be all over the blogs, the same with how folks got sick of how Rumbelle was being treated on Once Upon A Time. A character who is only defined in relation to another character isn't cool, male or female.

I guess only Camille Paglia is the One True non hypocritical feminist.

And Disney gets their white Princess while denying a Prince again.

Funny thing is. Even in the OG trilogy Leia was no where NEAR defined by her romance with Han. She was wholly and completely independent without him.

This is huge part of why

I ask if Finn's character and motivation is entirely dependent on Rey, because if it is it only adds to the detriment of the character. We now know the marketing was bullshyt and that Rey is now the true hero and "chosen one" of the story. We also know that Finn's character is used to set up Rey as fierce, independent, and resourceful. We also now know Finn loses to Kylo and that Rey puts up a MUCH better showing. We ALSO have confirmation that Finn lies to impress Rey, and goes to Starkiller to rescue Rey. All of his motivations and characterization centers around REY. So who is Finn without Rey? Rey goes off to train with Luke, which sets up her character arc pretty definitively. What is there for Finn to do? What is his arc? All that's set up for him is someone who defects and goes along for the ride all to service the white woman. It just rubs me wrong.

So there's no confirmation he's Force sensitive and Rey takes the Lightsabermto train with Luke. Leaving Finn with no weapon and no one to train him.

Poe is the one whose the hotshot pilot, he's presumably the "New Han" of the trilogy. If Rey= Luke and Poe= Han then WHAT purpose does Finn serve? 2187 is the cell they locked Leia in. If FNN-2187 turns out to be this trilogy's "Leia" (which would be :scusthov:) then what's he got to show for it? Leia had clearly defined goals BEFORE she met either Luke or Han, I'd HATE that Finn's only "goal" would be to attach himself to Rey.


All Star
May 19, 2012
So can someone whose seen this answer this:

So Finn isn't the force sensitive one after all? Or are they keeping both rey and Finn ambiguous?

Roid Jones

May 1, 2012
From what I have read it just confirms what I always suspected, which is Ridley not Boyega would be THE star and focus of this film. So I'm not shocked or dismayed at all, for those who have seen it how is his character and how does Boyega perform?


Jul 6, 2014
Wait, that last thing you said....

Did you REALLY mean to say POE?

I haven't seen anyone suspect FS or anything like that from him.

Although...everyone is saying that he's like, this *perfect* pilot. Confidant, but extremely talented, enough so that his brashness is completely warranted. But he also manages to be extremely friendly and pleasant.

Maybe he's...too perfect? Is that why you're thinking that?

As long as he stays away from Rey, he can do him....:birdman:

Yeah, I heard that Hux is surprisingly good in this. Most people weren't even expecting him to live to see the next movie, but plenty have told me that he's deliciously evil.
Yeah partly his piloting skills. He's apparently the "best pilot in the resistance" and he is the one who ensures the destruction of Starkiller base. Also the fact that the new canon has made sure to mention that Luke gave a force sensitive tree to Poe's parents for them to plant near their home. That might have led to force sensitivity or strengthen force sensitivity he was already going to have.
Poe Dameron

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Ending Scene :

Rey offers Luke the saber.

I had no idea that she looked so emotional during this. I thought she was gonna be on some :birdman: "Yeah, I got your sword and I'm powerful as fukk" type of shyt.

They don't care about a few spoilers here and there or a low res torrent floating around either. After all the positive reviews where most of the only negative ones are saying it is too much of a rehash of the original, Disney is going to make a fortune. Probably 2 billion on gate and another 3 or 4 billion on merch. Their Lucasfilm purchase will pay for itself by the end of March. I also think they release outside the states first to build buzz in the US because half of the total is coming out of the US anyway so good word trickles in from overseas and they play on our jealousy a little. It's a tested strategy.

The whole misinfo/misdirection campaign has been fantastic.

We weren't sure if Finn was force sensitive or not, we weren't sure whose kids Rey and Ren were. We didn't know for sure if Finn was a rebel spy all along or really a turncoat. How much screen time luke was going to get? Who dies... They did a good job floating plausible storylines and faux-spoilers to keep the geeks confounded. Disney NDA and propaganda game is strong.
I feel this....:ehh:

I've no doubt they are about to make gang-busters. I was just saying that, when it came strictly to spoilers, it just feels like they pretty much got inches to the finish line, then said "oh, let's release in like 10 countries beforehand". It's not gonna affect anything.


Jul 6, 2014
No spoilers @Darth Humanist
How do you feel about Rey, Finn, and Poe?
Favorite character?
Really like Rey AND Finn. Both were my favourite characters and both will continue to grow throughout the trilogy. Poe is nice as well and [minor spoiler]
he'll probably have a somewhat more expanded role in Episode 8.