Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)


Jul 6, 2014


Jul 6, 2014
Yup. In TPM, when they initially land on Coruscant, Jar Jar and Anakin leave the landing pad in a little air speeder with the Queen and her handmaidens. When they sit down in the car, Jar Jar comments on how nice the Queen is being to them. Then he pointedly comments, "Pitty hot!"

To me there's no question that he's literally saying that the queen is "hot," as in attractive. He's not commenting on the weather or anything. It's a completely nonsensical and inappropriate thing to say to a little kid, and is totally weird in the movie....unless you realize what is actually happening (that Jar Jar is a bad guy manipulating an impressionable Annie)

Also note that in Attack of the Clones, when they first meet up again, Anakin is forlorn and tells Jar Jar, "She (Padme) has forgotten me completely."

Jar Jar is very quick to buoy his hopes, though, telling Anakin, "No, no she's happy to see you, happier than I've ever seen her!"

See, Jar Jar has a vested interest in Anakin's continued lust for Padme. Because he and Palpatine have already formulated that as the easiest way to undermine Anakin's loyalty to the Jedi.

There's no telling how much Jar Jar has been deviously encouraging Anakin's infatuation in the formative years between TPM and AotC. And we must assume that he has been-- why else would Anakin immediately start talking to Jar Jar about how the queen has forgotten him? It's because Jar Jar has become his confidant/wing man in the matter.

I wouldn't doubt that it was Jar Jar, also, who eventually plants the Padme-death-by-childbirth nightmares in Anakin's dreams. Master of mind control, after all.

Thanks. There could have been more, but I was hitting the 15,000 character limit on the post.

I didn't even show Jar Jar using the force to predict the future:

Jar Jar the psychic doorman

... how did he know the Jedi were going to arrive precisely then and there? There was no doorbell. They didn't call ahead of time or anything- otherwise the Queen herself or her security would have been there to greet the distinguished Jedi- and besides, we know they didn't give advanced notice, because after this scene, Jar Jar has to call out to the Queen and tell her who is there. And everyone's surprised.

But not Jar Jar. He sensed them as they were coming up, just like the Jedi sense the intruder assasin bug later that evening.

Note how he slyly checks around every corner as he's walkin there, slinking about like it's only natural for him to be sneaky and stuff... but only dials up the "Gee shucks I'm a goofball!" routine when the elevator doors open.

I'm telling you, watch the prequels and keep an eye on Jar Jar when the other characters aren't looking directly at him.

wtf :deadrose:

Yall are just lucky there's a character limit on self-posts, otherwise you'd still be reading.

I didn't even mention how it's Jar Jar that sabotages the hyperdrive on the Queen's ship, forcing them to head toward Tatooine (where Jar Jar already knows The Chosen One lives).

Notice that during their escape, Jar Jar is busy suspiciously fiddling around in the back of the ship. R2-D2 notices that this character is doing something suspicious, and gives him a well-deserved smack, and shakes its head as if to say, "Uh uh, don't F with my ship, buddy." Unfortunately, R2 is forced to head elsewhere and deal with outer hull damage, allowing Jar Jar to finish his dirty work.

How wude, indeed. See, Jar Jar hates droids, and they hate Jar Jar. They are immune to his Mind Control powers and thus immediately recognize him as a foul threat. You see this throughout the movie (example: in Watto's shop, awakened Pit Droid immediately kicks Jar Jar in his Jar Jars).


I actually think he takes "control" of Padme during the scene when Anakin is working on his pod racer. When he's "accidentally" zapped by the power arc and his hand gets stuck in the engine blades? Padme has to come "save" him...

Little side theory, here: Jar Jar creates moments of feigned vulnerability or victimhood to lure in his most important thralls. It's when his target let's their mental guard down, trying to help someone else- this is the essence of evil: exploiting the good nature of people.

He initially enthralls Qui-Gon when the Jedi "saves" him from being run over by the big droid transport. Note that after this moment, Qui-Gon will do anything Jar Jar suggests.

He enthralls Obi-Wan when they have to "save" him from the water after their bongo falls over the waterfall (this is a deleted scene). Funny how an aquatic creature who's already shown us that he's a professional acrobat has to be pulled from the water like a drowning victim, huh?

He enthralls Anakin at the moment he "saves" him from Sebulba. Funny how Jar Jar just happened to spit a dead fish at the one market patron who just happens to be Anakin's rival, huh? That'll get the boy's attention- which was precisely the goal, of course.

Here you go, I had already created a gif of that scene. Was originally going to include it, but I had to draw the line somewhere (there's just so much):

Jar Jar telepathically juggling Boss Nass like a marionette

Look at poor Boss Nass struggle ineffectually against the terrible psychic intrusion as Jar Jar just smiles to himself.... such a menace.

My take is this: Right before we see Jar Jar doing this, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are attempting to convince Boss Nass that they must prepare for the coming droid invasion, and warn the human Nabooians.

Jar Jar doesn't want to allow a possible gungan/human coalition to form this early (he needs to kidnap the queen and Anakin, first, before any decisive battle resolves the conflict). So he's elevating Boss Nass' racism and bitterness towards humans to the point where even two experienced Jedi negotiators have no hope of leading him along the wise course.

Remember, Qui-Gon is a professional diplomat, a Jedi consular. It's like his dang job to be able to pull this kind of thing off. It should be a cake walk for him. But Jar Jar's mojo is just too strong.

Jar Jar has so stirred up Boss Nass against any concession to the Jedi that Qui-Gon (the universe's most qualified diplomat, according to the Jedi Council itself) has to feebly resort to a Mind Trick of his own just to get Boss Nass to let him borrow a used car and slink out of town.

You're not thinking dark enough for Jar Jar.

If Jar Jar sneaks into the treatment center, maybe he's the one who actually killed Padme. How hard would it be? Slip her some poison? Force Choke her from the viewing area?

Were we really supposed to believe that someone could just "lose the will to live?" Or die in childbirth in a fully functional droid-assisted medical station? It's not the 17th century.

So Jar Jar perhaps murders Padme, but they tell Vader that Anakin did it.

(even though we don't actually see Jar Jar on screen at Polis Massa during the birth of the twins, it's perfectly reasonable to assume he's there. Seneator Bail Organa is there; it's the post-war emergency refuge for Jedi-friendly Senators, which Jar Jar would still be masquerading as)

Wow, good catch.

You can almost picture a scene Episode VIII:

Kylo Ren enters the main bridge of the ancient starship warily, his lightsaber at the ready, and calls out to the shadows:

"I have come to seek the most important familial relic of all, the Japor Snippet. It is said that a creature called 'Jar Jar Binks' stole it from my grandmothers funeral bier..."

A tall, hooded figure emerges from the shadows, large, glowing yellow eyes shining from the depths of its cowl:

"Dassa name me not be hearin' in a long ole time. Long ole time."
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Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
I've tried to erase the PT from my brain, but when does Jar Jar say Padme is "pretty hot" :dwillhuh::deadmanny:


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) kinda dissed Daisy, and supported Boyega, in this interview : You said it, Chewie: An interview with Peter Mayhew


Doesn't mean shyt, but it was nice to see him being kinda candid.

Eh, kinda reminds me of how Tom Hardy said he felt lost on the Mad Max set because he could tell Miller saw his vision come to life whereas he felt he had no idea what the hell he was doing there in the desert. I think that's what Daisy's going through, on a movie of this magnitude you're sometimes overwhelmed because you can't place what you're doing into the larger picture.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
Just saw the trilogy for the 1st time in almost 20 years and I am surprised how the whole thing still holds up. New hope was the perfect introduction but the ending seemed abrupt somewhat. Empire strikes back was just :mindblown:that scene where Luke enters vader's lair, the music, the cinematography the ambience just :ohlawd:felt like a Monday night raw in its hey day. Then you watch ROTJ and for most of its like :why: but the last act brings it home :blessed:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012